
Pucallpa - Work in the botanical garden

MIVOAKA: 24.02.2018

    Pucallpa, Amazon lowlands, botanical garden. After 30 hours of bus ride, wearing short sleeves and not having showered for two days, the mosquitoes found their perfect victim. Mainly on the joints, where the bites are unusually swollen. That, and the hot and humid climate made me doubt my decision to stay on the first day. But luckily, the body quickly adapts to the circumstances and mosquito sprays and creams do the rest. For the first three weeks, there was a group of forestry students on site, who were also doing their internship, so we had the same activities. Rubber boots were a must because it rains almost every day. And when it doesn't rain for a week and you're already looking forward to walking barefoot and there are also fewer mosquitoes, the sun blazes so intensely that even the slightest movement makes you sweat. You feel paralyzed... thinking, talking, moving becomes difficult. Plus, I got severe diarrhea and slight fever again, so I had a parasite test done. I had "Guardia lamblia" - I killed it with three antibiotic tablets every day for seven days.      
