Voll Bock auf bayrischen Wald
Voll Bock auf bayrischen Wald

Total foggy for the premiere

Paskelbta: 05.08.2021

Deviously from this weather, sending us rain on the last day. We really wanted to go on a big bike tour, but not like this.

Hiking is possible in the rain too. So we set off on a farewell tour to Brotjackelriegel. We stomp side by side in the rain, unable to see each other clearly because the hoods greatly limit our vision. The fog is sometimes so dense that we can't even recognize ourselves.

We don't see anyone else either, at first, then we meet someone and ask for directions, but they don't say anything and point in both directions. So we just walk the way we think. We took a photo of them as proof. Shortly afterwards, we see two figures in the fog - but they also don't say a word and also point in two directions. Maybe it's because of our Swabian dialect and they simply don't understand us. Whatever - strange people are out and about today. We try a new route to the observation tower, the muscle soreness from the Goldsteigweg is almost gone and we quickly climb the mountain again. I don't know if it's the desire for sporting ambition that makes us run like this or simply the desire to get back to shelter. Either way, it's fun and that's the main thing. The rain and fog create a great atmosphere, clear and clean air and it's not cold. We try to capture raindrops with the camera, it's like watching the mushrooms grow and at some point we stop trying to avoid dirt and mud, firstly because it's not possible and secondly because we won't need the hiking shoes again so soon.

From our observation tower, we can't even see the top today, it looks amazing! We wish the forest can store a lot of the good rainwater and hope it does it good.

At home, we first put on dry pants, have coffee and cookies. And then we prepare for the evening, which we have been looking forward to for ages, along with millions of others. Experiencing the premiere of a Bavarian masterpiece in a Bavarian cinema, that's the highlight.. But before that, we go to the brewery inn in the rain - one last time to enjoy Bavarian delights.


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