
Day 14: Stormy End

Paskelbta: 13.07.2020

Unfortunately, we were woken up by a storm this morning. The gusts of wind were so strong at times that we were a bit worried about our popup roof and decided to retract it. The rain didn't take long to follow. As a result, we decided to leave a bit earlier and spend the remaining vacation days in Germany. The weather forecast for there was also much better than for the Baltic states. After the owner of the campsite also said goodbye and mentioned that the next few days would be stormy, we were sure it was the right decision.

We packed our things quickly and 30 minutes later we were on the road.

The destination for today was a parking lot in the forest behind Warsaw. Approximately 1000 km. We found the parking spot through the "Park4Night" app. This app had already provided us with many good parking spots during the trip, and it was the same with this one. The drive went well, no traffic jams, no rain. And so we arrived at the lodging at 11 p.m.


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