All the things one does to stay healthy

Ebimisami: 20.12.2017

After Tim and I have already had a vaccination against rabies and one against Japanese encephalitis (whatever that is :D), we are still missing 2 more rabies vaccinations, 1 against Japanese encephalitis, and 2 oral vaccinations against cholera and typhoid.

It's an organizational miracle, as each vaccination must be administered and taken on a specific day and with a specific interval to the next vaccination... Well, we could have started with all the vaccinations earlier - we haven't known since yesterday that we want to travel :D

Well, now it's like this and today it was time for me to have the oral cholera vaccination. Quite an adventure to mix the different vials and powders. I don't feel completely comfortable with it but at the same time a little bit like Dr. Professor Seelbach :)

Down in the pictures you can see what we're ingesting.

See you soon and I'm looking forward to your registrations and occasional comments!!

Eyano (3)

Wann geht genau los? Ich freue mich immer wieder von euch zu hören

Nicht vergessen, wenn’s Probleme gibt, einfach ein paar Reistage einlegen... Das hilft Wunder

Was ihr in euch hineinschlucken musstet ist schon beeindruckend, hoffentlich hat das alles auch einen Nutzen.. auf alle Fälle freue ich mich auf eure Nachrichten.

Lapolo ya mobembo Allemagne