XXXI. Goodbye, Granada!

Ebimisami: 28.03.2017

On January 24th, it finally happened: I moved from Granada to León. For the farewell, the Canadian volunteers baked me a cake and everyone gathered after lunch to say goodbye. I still get a lump in my throat when I think back to it...

Kindly, Rafa drove me to the bus station with the school bus since it was the first time I traveled with so much luggage. On the bus, we even had a great farewell conversation where we both reflected a bit on my time in Granada and he thanked me for my work.

In the minibus, I suddenly felt a wave of melancholy, comfort zone, and longing. The question "Why don't I just stay here?" stood out the most.

And then I realized that I leave Granada for the same reason I left Berlin. To get out of my comfort zone! I will have plenty of time for that later, when I'm older, but now adventure calls me.

I want to grow beyond myself by putting myself in uncomfortable situations. That's exactly what happened to me in Granada. Sure, I'm still 1.74 meters tall, but I learned so much about myself and the world, probably more than ever before. At the same time, I found a second family and somehow created a new comfort zone. I made myself comfortable there for a while, but now it was time for a new adventure. This thought immediately cheered me up and suddenly the anticipation of León and all the unknown that may come outweighed again.

I think very, very fondly of my time in Granada, of blue hours in the morning, Gallo Pinto served with gossip, cuddling cats until falling asleep, slacklining and acrobatics until falling asleep, dancing at Reilly's until falling asleep, relaxed Sundays at the lagoon, deep conversations until four in the morning, English lessons while cooking together, meeting new circus people over and over again, working on film projects, working with children. There was and is so much to tell, and now I hope you are excited with me about the report on the next chapter - the city of lions, volcanoes, revolution, and probably the coolest city in Nicaragua: LEÓN!

Hasta luego!
