
Tag 68- 73 (March 18- March 23)

Ebimisami: 08.04.2023

Honestly, I still lack a post about the previous week. Unfortunately, it's not finished yet because I'm currently having a hard time writing regularly. I thought it might be better to upload what I've already finished so that you can finally catch up on a more recent update. I'm sorry for uploading everything so late🥺

On Saturday morning, I went back to the farm for my last 5 days😱😱 Upon arrival, I got the same tent again, which I was very happy about. Saturdays here are always very relaxed, and we played volleyball in the afternoon. Even though some of us weren't the best and annoyed a very ambitious coordinator, it was a lot of fun. After that, we had a Braai, and it was sooo delicious (they always grill specific sandwiches with onions, cheese, and tomatoes in Namibia, and I will definitely miss them🥺)

On Sunday, I went to the town with Femke. On the one hand, we ate and drank very delicious things: first, a cake with Cappuccino, and for lunch, spaghetti with mussels and shrimp😍🤤 On the other hand, I bought some beautiful things again. I have to be careful not to overload my backpack😵‍💫

Fortunately, we came back in time because then I could still attend a "church service." Since it was my last Sunday here, I really wanted to experience that. It's really different from Germany. Mainly, there was singing and a lot of dancing. When we were back on the farm, dinner was served right away.

On Monday, I had food prep🤮 I really thought I could manage to do it only once. But after 10 weeks here, I can't complain about having to do it only twice. Unfortunately, I was alone in my group, but another girl helped me, and it wasn't as bad as last time. Before we started, we fed the small animals here on the farm. After that, we first cut the meat and then all the vegetables and fruits for the monkeys and wild boars.

After lunch, we had to feed the animals on the farm again. We also had to enter all the feeding data in a data system for the morning and afternoon feedings. After that, we fed the caracals and brought the goats to their enclosure.

In the evening, I went to the gym, and the workout was really fun😍 However, the boys from our group were not very committed, and there were only girls.

On Tuesday, there was a public holiday here, the Independence Day. That's why there were only a few activities, and I was very lucky to have Carnivore Feeding. It was really nice to see all the animals one last time. In the afternoon, I helped feed the animals on the farm, but since we split up, we finished in half an hour. There was no proper afternoon activity due to the holiday, instead, we played soccer, which surprisingly was a lot of fun. In the evening, we played some pool and I finally left my mark on the wall in the Lapa. However, there was a woman on the farm who is only here once a week. She was somehow super creepy, and sometimes she seemed quite aggressive or energetic (a bit like on drugs). At the same time, an oversized goat appeared, which we eventually named Demon Goat. Overall, the night could have been turned into a horror movie, and Cassidy and I (we were the last ones together with the weird woman and Demon Goat😱) had a lot of fun and fear at the same time😂

On Wednesday, I had to get up early because I had research. For that, we drove to the reserve and first tracked the elephants. After we found all of them, we changed the batteries and memory cards of two cameras. Since we finished relatively early, we didn't drive straight back to the farm but did a little safari where we could observe giraffes fighting. In the afternoon, I wanted to babysit the baby baboons one last time with Femke. However, this time they went on the baboon walk for the first time. That's why we went with them and then watched over them for another hour. This time, they had a lot of energy and unfortunately didn't sleep on us🥹 In the evening, I went to the gym one last time, which was a lot of fun again. After that, we had a little farewell party for me and played pool and cards. At night, I had a visitor in my bed. The cat Stephen sneaked into my tent and spent the night with me... I woke up at night because she curled up in front of me, and we actually slept in a spooning position😂😍

Unfortunately, one of the lions here died during the night. His name was Kilimanjaro, and you could always hear him roar at night. However, I never saw him because only staff members are allowed to see him. He probably had cancer and ultimately died at an old age🥺

On Thursday morning, I first went to breakfast to say goodbye to everyone. After that, I quickly packed all my stuff and cleared out my hut😭 Some of my friends accompanied me to the car, and a few tears were shed there🥺 And then I was already on my way to the airport to pick up Johannes😍


Namibie, mboka
Lapolo ya mobembo Namibie, mboka