Celebrated the first day of the year with a new haircut and cocktail

Ebimisami: 01.01.2024

Today we discovered Chinatown with all our senses. Every few meters new smells fill your nose and there is something new to discover at every corner.

Although you can buy almost anything here, eating vegetarian food in Thailand is difficult. After late lunch we took the ship to the famous backpacker street Kao San road. Sonja had her hair cut there for the equivalent of 9 francs. With a short haircut you can simply endure the heat better!

At sunset we took the ship to Iconic Siam, one of the many shopping centers, where we ate. Last but not least, we caught up on what we planned yesterday. We went to one of the popular rooftop bars in Bangkok. The wait was worth it. The atmosphere and the view were great. This first day of the new year will certainly remain in our memories for a long time.

Eyano (1)

Hallöchen zusammen, ich konnte über den gestrigen Bericht, vor allem über den letzten Absatz, schmunzeln😅. Weil ich mir sehr gut vorstellen kann, wie ihr alles versucht habt auf eine Rooftop Bar zu kommen, um Silvester zu feiern und zum guten Schluss mit vielen anderen auf der Strasse den Countdown mitgezählt habt. Happy New Year 2024. Nun konntet ihr am ersten Tag im neuen Jahr den Abend auf einer Rooftop Bar mit eindrucksvoller Stimmung und leckerem Cocktail ausklingen lassen. Wie schön. Das Warten hat sich sichtlich gelohnt. ps: hübscher Haarschnitt👌

Lapolo ya mobembo Thaïlande