Tag 83: chilling right by the sea

Ebimisami: 28.05.2018

Jan and I had planned to watch the sunrise this morning. So we set an alarm for 4:45 am. Damn, that was early... But it was worth it! After the sun was clearly visible on the horizon, we went back to bed.

After we got up for the second time, we relaxed on the beach, in the sea, or at the hostel for the entire morning. In the afternoon, we went to a nearby waterfall with two other guests and a guide. The drive there was on a very narrow path. Unfortunately, I accidentally hit Jan from behind and broke my front light. The waterfall itself was very beautiful for swimming, climbing, and jumping in. We spent quite a while here before heading back to the hostel. In the evening, we all played volleyball together. We went to bed early so that we would be fit on the motorcycles again tomorrow...


Lapolo ya mobembo Vietnam