Miss Marple unterwegs
Miss Marple unterwegs

Baltic Sea 2019 Part 3

Ebimisami: 17.08.2019

Wed 07/17/19 Maasholm -> Kappeln

driven time/distance: 1h 06m / 3.5 nm

Starting today, the Schlei is to be explored. First stop: Kappeln. It's not far from Maasholm, so I can take my time. The weather isn't that inviting anyway: overcast and a bit cloudy. But the wait was worth it: around noon it clears up again and we cast off. Less than an hour later we already pass the bascule bridge of Kappeln, where we don't have to wait for the opening; the little Marex fits under without any difficulty. We moor at the WSC Kappeln jetty under somewhat difficult conditions (current across the lying position in the box). Typical for the Baltic Sea: Bow to the jetty, at the back on two dolphins. My arranged stern lines prove to be too short. And I made a rookie mistake: Stupidly, I hadn't fastened the ends to the stern, so they were now floating in the water, out of reach for the boat hook. So the maneuver from the beginning again: loosen the front lines, pull back a little, be careful that the lines don't get caught in the screw, but luckily I have buoyant lines, so that doesn't happen. Then lengthen the lines (Ballstek connected to Schotstek!) and try again. It works this time. Not so easy for the solo driver. But we are now in the "front row" with a clear view of the Schlei.

A short time later we see the bridge open and a long convoy of sailors pass us, one after the other.

In the afternoon I go for a little stroll through town along the banks of the Schlei. A few "oldtimers" in the small museum harbor must be viewed.

Thursday 07/18/19 Kappeln -> Arnis

driven time/distance: 1h 00m / 3.5 nm

In the best summer weather we continue, just a little bit, to Arnis. Always following the buoyed fairway, we reach the pretty little town after just under an hour. Actually, we wanted to moor "close to town" in Jaich, but everything was booked there. So turned around again, walked back a short distance and entered the marina of WSC Arnis. There we could choose the berth, so much was still free. We tie up at the first jetty, behind the breakwater. So we have a nice view of the Schlei again. It is also just a few minutes walk to town. I treat myself to a coffee break with a delicious plum cake that tastes like it’s been baked at home in the “Zur Schleiperle” café. Highly recommended!

Fri 19.07.19 Arnis -> Schleswig

driven time/distance: 3h 25m / 16 nm

Unfortunately, I don't have that much time to look at every port in the Schlei. That's why we're going all the way to the end today, to Schleswig.

A beautiful, interesting ride, and very varied. First we have to go through the bottleneck at Arnis, then the Schlei widens and you get the impression that you're driving on a large inland lake. Then there are alternately bottlenecks, sometimes very curvy, and again large, lake-like areas of water. Finally, the towers of Schleswig come into view and you are spoiled for choice: where to moor? I opt for the city harbor below the impressive St. Petri Cathedral. After all, I want to explore the city on foot, since I don't have a bike on board. The port is run by the city council and is not exactly cheap, but the sanitary facilities are spotlessly clean and everything else is neat and in good condition. Can't complain. We are already at the jetty at 11.40 a.m. and have plenty of time for a stroll through town and shopping. There is even time to visit the cathedral. It is currently being restored and built, but most of it is open to the public. A mirror is placed at an angle over the tomb of King Frederik I of Denmark so that it can be viewed from above. I take a selfie of myself and Frederik I, I couldn't help myself. ;-)

Sat 07/20/19 Schleswig -> YH Haddeby (Haithabu)

traveled time/distance: 0h 30m / 1 nm

Today I want to look at the Viking settlement of Haithabu. That's why in the morning after breakfast I move over to the other side of the Schlei and tie up in the small, cute marina "Wiking Haddeby". There are enough berths here, even for smaller boats, and I don't have to worry that my stern lines will be too short again. ;-) Around noon, despite the muggy weather, I set off on foot to the Viking village and museum. "A very revealing place of contemporary history, you have to see it," wrote a reviewer of this place. I can only associate myself with.

In the afternoon there was a heavy thunderstorm with downpours, but I was already in the museum, nice and dry. Only, at 5 p.m. the shop closed and we were gently but firmly "thrown out". It was still raining so I got back to the boat soaked wet. Never mind, save the shower!

Sun 21.07.19 port day

Actually, today I wanted to move to the large marina "Wiking" at the Wikingturm (high-rise building). The reason: From there, Gottorf Castle (the large state-owned museum) can be reached on foot in just 500m. It turned out differently: The extremely nice and helpful people from the club offered me a bike! Great: It's only a few minutes by bike to the castle - I don't have to move and I still have a bit of exercise. Thank you again, dear water sports friends! - And how was it in the museum? Well, such a cultural-historical state museum is always a bit exhausting, but you have to go through it! As a special exhibition there was "Impressionist of the North." Painting by Hans Olde. I have to admit, I didn't know him before. But: That was an educational gap. Some of the pictures are really beautiful and impressive and don't need to hide behind other Impressionists and the well-known Worpsweders. If you want to take a look: https://museum-fuer-kunst-und-kulturgeschichte.de/de/impressionist-des-nordens-hans-olde

I liked it and after the exhausting museum, the picture show was a relief for the eyes.

Mon 22.07.19 port day

Totally rainy day, uncomfortable and cold. Nothing for boating. In the afternoon, however, the rain lessened and I was able - again by bike - to do some shopping.

Tue 07/23/10 Schleswig-Haddeby -> Maasholm

driven time/distance: 3h 45m / 21.5 nm

Got up at 7 a.m. and looked out: Everything in the fog, visibility less than 500m (estimated). Will it be nothing again today with driving on? At least it's not raining anymore. Around 10 a.m. the sun has made it, the fog is slowly dissipating and I can cast off. Today I want to drive back the whole Schlei to Maasholm. That works out, the weather is getting better and better, around noon we have "perfect weather" and I have a wonderful, relaxed drive to Maasholm. At around 2 p.m. we are almost at the same berth (pier D7) as last time. Afternoon: Time for a nice walk in the nature reserve. The area around Maasholm really is: “An incredibly beautiful corner of nature”, as one reviewer rightly put it.
