ready to go!

Ebimisami: 15.12.2018

Wuuuhuuu! After spending half the day packing my backpack and emptying the room for my brother Simon, I'm finally ready to start my journey! This morning I was full of panic - thanks Josephine for calming me down - and now I'm as well-prepared as a typical Swiss person (haha).

My flight to Bangkok is tomorrow at 6:00 pm and surprisingly I'm not (yet) nervous. There's currently a "cocktail of emotions" inside me but I'm mostly excited to see my brother Michel again, who is waiting for me in Koh Samui. Two psychos reunited! And in two weeks, Josephine, my best friend aka roommate aka travel buddy, will join us! What could be better than traveling with two of my favorite people? I can't think of anything :D

To everyone I have recently said goodbye to: Thank you for the super kind words and wishes and for being interested in my journey! I will try to make the blog posts entertaining so that you don't fall asleep while reading them or get bored to death ;)

I will miss you all and of course, I'm happy to receive any messages!



Eyano (3)

Safe travels, sis! Be safe and have fun🖤

Hallo liebes. Schön dass du gut angekommen bist und dass der Koffer auch mitkam. Ärgerlich wenn so was passiert! Wir chaten bald mal zu dritt, ok? Guten Start in deine grosse Reise! Schicke regelmässig Bilder. Umarme dich ganz fest! Maman

Simon Andrea
Salletti, alles palletti? Bisch di best. Gib alles und suug richtig alles was chasch uf. Freu mi so für dich! Love you und take care. 🖤