Mexiko - Sag niemals "Nie"!
Mexiko - Sag niemals "Nie"!

Let's go...

Ebimisami: 11.07.2022

So my dear, surprisingly quickly then 08.07. arrived. In the morning we packed everything in the car and then, at 12 o'clock, we started; unfortunately not without traffic. So we chose a parking space near the old town in Memmingen for the first overnight stay and we were ... too late. The place was full and we were outside on the street in the industrial area. That was okay, because we only had to walk 9 minutes through a beautiful park to the historic old town. The little bit of exercise did us good, the wine got better with every sip - thanks to the mild evening and the cozy spot - and so our first night was saved. The morning after as well, because Memmingen has a great Allgäu bakery café. So if you ever come to Memmingen, go to 'Häussler' in the industrial area!!!

I will have to deal with Switzerland a bit more intensively next time... They really made me bleed, the Swiss, and raised Micha's adrenaline level. In maps and apps, I chose a short walk and our sleeping place at Lake Sihl. The walk was too short and the sleeping place too loud - we drove on, towards Italy, over the Furka Pass. -> 1st shock (especially for me): In Switzerland, surfing the net causes roaming charges ... ahhhh!!!...useless 59.90€...grrrr!!! -> 2nd shock (only for Micha): We didn't have a vignette for Switzerland, so we had to change to the car train in Brig, which turned out to be very funny and uncomplicated. There's always a first time, my dear. ;-) Italy was waiting for us at 22:30 with darkness. The plan was: find a sleeping place quickly. That wasn't so easy in the darkness and Micha didn't want to stand alone on the side of the road. So he simply drove serpentine after serpentine, hour after hour, and only stopped again at Lake Maggiore ... in front of the campsite in Cannero Rivera.


Lapolo ya mobembo Italie