Dog paws

Ebimisami: 19.01.2024

"Andar con patas de perro" literally means "walking with dogs" In Nicaragua, this expedition is used for people who are completely restless and are always on the lookout for new places and people - like stray dogs.

Luckily my friend got married yesterday after my arrival holiday, and so we were able to pursue our shared hobby: walking around without parties and plans or even as they say here "walk on dog photos".

We spent a few days in the beautiful colonial city of León, got up until dawn, are a volcano erupting, hit the beach and had a lot and good walks. What does man want more?

In San Juan del Sur we visited our friends and spent time on an absolute beach. Very fascinating: sleeping algae in the sea, leaving the bodies in the darkness like a starry sky.

The Isla de Ometepe was however my absolute highlight. A magical island with two volcanoes in Central America's largest lake that already fascinated me on my last trip. No worries, but the kids tick there otherwise. You arrive and are immediately enthralled as if it were a nature event. There are many deserts, bunch of waterfalls and abends many stars and glaciers along the long, lonely beaches. Unfortunately the lake is half contaminated, but no place is perfect.

Love Anieth, thank you so much for spending your holidays with me. There is nothing better in a community than to experience new things together. Take care of your dog photos and your fresh stuff. I love you.

Bussi Baba


Luckily, after my arrival, my friend Anieth got a holiday, and so we were able to devote ourselves to our common pastime: traveling without a destination or fixed plan, or as they say here, "Walking with dog paws".

We spent some days in the charming colonial city of León, danced till dawn, slid down a volcano, hitchhiked to the beach and enjoyed lots and good food. What more can be asked for?

In San Juan del Sur, we visited Anieth's friends and spent time on an absolutely dreamy beach. Very fascinating: luminous algae in the sea that make the body look like a starry sky in the dark.

However, Ometepe Island was my absolute highlight. A magical island with two volcanoes on the largest lake in Central America, which already fascinated me on my last trip. I don't know why, but time there passes differently. One arrives and relaxes immediately, as if it were a natural law. There are lots of monkeys, colorful birds and at night lots of stars and fireflies over the long and lonely beaches. Unfortunately, the lake is half polluted, but no place is perfect.

Dear Anieth, thank you so much for spending your entire holiday with me. There is nothing more beautiful in a friendship than experiencing new things together. Keep your doggy paws and your naughty shape. I love you.

Besitos byebye
