
Tag 1: 1500 km to the next adventure

Ebimisami: 11.06.2018

I decided to drive to Croatia. I was skeptical if I would like it. And yet I was excited. I was excited that we wouldn't be getting on a plane that could just fall from the sky, I was excited to sleep in for 21 days and do whatever we wanted.

And so we set off. With all our stuff - of course, the Senseo and some other kitchen utensils couldn't be missing, so I just packed everything I wanted and what the car had room for. Car packed. Got delicious liverwurst sandwiches for the ride (my favorite liverwurst sandwiches from Julia's mom 😍). So we can go.

It wasn't that easy though. The plan was that we would still sleep. Didn't work out so well for me, but Julia slept and worst case we'll sleep in the car again (yeah, right!). I was awake. My first long car ride since I got my driver's license. Damn, I was excited! Driving through Germany, Austria, Slovenia AND Croatia. AWESOME! And so I was more awake than ever before. The excitement faded after 10 hours of driving and all we saw were mountains, tunnels, highways, and a lot of border tolls. Great movie... no sign of the sea. Even shortly before arriving: no damn sea!🤔

According to the GPS, at this point it was still about 30 km and an hour drive?! Okay, maybe a bit exaggerated, but time really does tick differently here!

And then... going up another hill and the GPS said 'Turn sharp right' And there it was: the sea❤ Almost, almost everything was fine. However, we couldn't find the entrance to this beautiful villa. So we drove through the entire village (three streets😂) until we decided to walk up the stairs.

Once we got to the top, the landlord went with me to the car and showed me how to get to the house by car.

Car parked, brought our stuff into the apartment, cooked, and then enjoyed the beautiful view from the terrace.

The trip was worth it.
