
Our last day - saying goodbye is always hard ❤️❤️

Ebimisami: 29.07.2017

That was such a beautiful day today. It was actually planned a bit differently, but perfect as a conclusion. First sleep in, then make a cozy breakfast in the backpacker kitchen (fried egg with toast) and return the car. We then took the train back to the city from the car rental. Back to the waterfront with the amazing park! Daniel had discovered a great barbecue spot there a few days ago and he wanted to barbecue there today. We already had meat and ingredients in our bag! We did that and then chilled by the waterfront with what felt like half of Brisbane. The guys played the 159th round of Asshole while I discovered a little art market by the waterfront. I only wanted to get coffee..... 🙄

The guys didn't mind that I was gone, so I leisurely explored the market while the two of them hung out on the grass. The atmosphere there was so great today..... wonderful weather, this art market, a beautiful water playground and people grilling and sitting together on the grass everywhere. In a blink, we decided not to do anything else today besides the planned pub evening. And that's what we did! We waited until the city was bathed in this wonderful evening light, just to drive back home (by bus) and then go back to the city with long pants on. The city was buzzing (the bear was dancing) and it was always unbelievable to us that it is winter here right now.

We actually had our conclusion at the pub with beer (served in pitchers), football, and live music, exactly as we had wished for 😃!!!!

What a beautiful day!!!!

This trip is the most special thing I have ever done.... it was so beautiful to be so close to my children for over 5 weeks and it made me really happy!

I know that this is a very special privilege and I am endlessly grateful for everything we have experienced together.

I don't like to leave....

....but I will definitely come back!!!

Goodbye Australia ❤️❤️❤️!!!

Eyano (3)

Es war immer wieder schön deine Berichte zu lesen. Eine gute Heimreise wünsche ich euch

Dankeschön !! Ich freue mich, dass du so ein fleißiger Leser warst !!!

ich wollte dir sagen, dass ich leider ziemlich später das mit deinem Blog mitgekriegt habe. Ihr wart eigentlich schon zurück. Aber es hat mir sehr, sehr viel spaß gemacht deine Erfahrung und einfühlsame Beobachtung zu lesen. Und ich wollte fragen, ob Du vielleicht weiterschreiben kannst. Ich glaube viele Leute hätten viel Spaß dein Blog weiter zu lesen. LG, Eymard