Addo Elephant NP - FINALLY a lioness

Ebimisami: 21.01.2018

January 18th to 20th: In Addo NP, the longing of our seven-year-old Fa is finally fulfilled. We discover a sleeping lioness in the thicket. Fa is excited and her vision of Africa, which definitely includes lions, is finally confirmed. We spend two days on safari and see many elephant families, a jackal, rare birds, and a large herd of buffalos. As well as zebras, springboks, monkeys, and warthogs. Countless small turtles, millipedes, and the dung beetle, which is protected, dispute the roads with us. The kids are in ranger mode and we are all fascinated by the animals that we otherwise only know from the zoo. At a waterhole, on the first day, we come across more than a hundred elephants, happily bathing and holding a meeting. As if it were bath day on Fridays and all elephant families gather there. A captivating spectacle of special beauty and tranquility. The waterhole seemed to be reserved only for the elephants...


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