die Urli's on Tour
die Urli's on Tour

Arriving in New Zealand, the only thing we are currently doing is climbing every mountain that gets in our way :D No, it's not that bad, but we definitely missed the mountains!

We don't have a single photo of Queenstown city :O because we only looked at it from above :D simply breathtaking is a landscape with mountains and a lake!

Oh, and of course we have a new vehicle again. A real campervan - our Willi!

Okuddamu (1)

Wie gut kommt ihr mit dem Linksverkehr zusammen? Ich musste in England bei jedem Abbiegen hoffen dass mir ein Europäer entgegen kommt :) ---------------- Weil der dann auch falsch fährt :)

New Zealand mu ggwanga lya New Zealand
Lipoota z'entambula New Zealand mu ggwanga lya New Zealand