
Autumn in Sweden - oops, but it's still summer đŸ„Ž Campsite recommendation: 'ÅrĂ„shult Camping'

Ebifulumiziddwa: 07.08.2020

Although we traveled to Sweden on Monday, we didn't really arrive until today (Friday) 😄

Until today, it has been cool with temperatures up to a maximum of 15 °C (honestly, even less), wind, clouds, and occasional rain 😏 So it actually felt like autumn. We ended up driving about 700 km to southern Sweden faster than expected. It felt like driving through a clearing in the forest the whole time (hardly any villages, if any, small ones with hardly any shopping opportunities, etc.), with occasionally a lake (if it could be seen through the trees ;o) and two good things happened right away!

First, since yesterday afternoon, it has been warm and sunny, but in pleasant amounts 😎

Second, we are staying at a great, individual campsite. Because of the design of the campsite, it feels much more like standing in a garden, specifically a lovingly designed garden that is not pompous or fancy 👌

Each pitch has seating and a fire pit, with firewood provided, and they are mostly arranged so that you can have your privacy (although there are also pitches that are arranged so that you can stand with friends, for example, with three people, which is also used). In addition, they are generously divided for Scandinavian standards (as far as we can judge). The whole area is dotted with small lakes, so many pitches also have a terrace by the lake. Furthermore, there are several jetties and bridges that connect the site. Even the entrance is very quaint and even something like waste disposal is individually designed. Really with a lot of attention to detail. There are also bicycles to borrow and, for example, a grill can be provided. Triene also likes it a lot, because the whole thing is embedded (as it should be) in a forest area, so you can go for nice walks from the site.

Since there is not much to report regarding our previous experiences in Sweden and the landscape is rather monotonous and certainly not as sensational as in Norway (sorry to all Sweden fans, Sweden certainly has its charm too 😉), this time we have mainly selected photos to show you 'ÅrĂ„shult Camping' (we start with some impressions of our previous sites).

For those who want to go to Sweden, a serious tip for overnight stays (there are also cabins for rent). If we have sparked your interest, here is a link to the campsite's website:

Oh yeah, the pitch costs 250 Swedish krona (about €25) per night, including everything. There is even good WiFi (which is not an additional cost in Scandinavia, and there is no separate fee for the dog either. In Germany, both are sometimes disproportionately expensive). The only downside is that the water has a brownish discoloration, which is supposed to be due to a high iron content. However, it is supposed to be filtered and drinkable, and since we are not the only ones on the site and apparently everyone is fine, we believe it (although we probably won't drink or use it for cooking, just like in Southern Europe đŸ„Ž)

Definitely a reason to stay longer... 😁

Okuddamu (4)

Wirklich toller Campingplatz. Triene und Thomas schauen sehr entspannt aus. Wir vermissen noch ein Bild von der entspannten Janina! Lasst Ihr wirklich die Lofoten usw. aus? Oder schwenkt Ihr nach Wetterbesserung nochmal Richtung Norden? Wir wĂŒnschen Euch in jedem Fall gute Weiterreise. Egal wo es hingeht! Birgit und Bernd

oh schön oh schön, bei den Bildern bekomme ich gleich Sehnsucht nach Schweden. Mensch da seid Ihr ja wirklich schon weit im SĂŒden. Schade schade mit den Lofoten, doch bei den Temperaturen verstĂ€ndlich. Hauptsache das Wetter stimmt jetzt fĂŒr Euch. WĂŒnsche Euch noch viele gemĂŒtliche PlĂ€tze

Ja, irgendwie ist es schade mit den Lofoten, aber so haben wir noch ein europĂ€isches Ziel fĂŒr spĂ€ter in unserem Leben ;0) Neben dem Wetter lag es wie gesagt auch an den noch zu fahrenden Kilometern, hin und zurĂŒck wĂ€ren das noch mal mind. 2.400 km gewesen! Das ist mehr, als von hier nach Frankreich, wo wir diesen SpĂ€tsommer/Herbst ja auch noch hin wollen (und weiter nach Spanien und Portugal, wenn Cornona uns lĂ€sst). Lieben Dank fĂŒr eure lieben Worte und herzliche GrĂŒĂŸe Thomas und Janina

Eigentlich habt Ihr das schon Richtig gemacht, denn die engen Tunnel wÀren nicht weniger geworden sondern eher mehr und das mit Eurem langen Fahrzeug. Hauptsache Ihr seid mit Eurer Entscheidung zufrieden. Hoffe Ihr habt es auch warm, wir laufen hier weg,uff, Winke winke

Lipoota z'entambula Sweden