
Toll, großartig, fantastisch!

Ebifulumiziddwa: 03.03.2019


It's really cool how positive people are here. And 'cool' is definitely the wrong word, you should say AWESOME or FANTASTIC or GREAT or AMAZING or LOVELY or OUTSTANDING! 'Have a great day,' says the checkout cashier with sparkling eyes. 'Your behavior was outstanding,' praises the PE teacher the excellent behavior of the eighth graders after the swimming competition. To be great, it usually doesn't take much. 'Where do you come from?' - 'Austria.' - 'Awesome!'

When the woman at the gas station said 'Bye, love!' to me, I felt flattered, even though I know I'm not really the love of her life. It reminded me of Italy, where I met an ice cream vendor last summer who called all her customers 'Amore'. Isn't that sweet? Why doesn't anyone at Spar ever call me 'Schnuckilein'?

In school, it is quite common for the teacher to call the children 'Sweetheart.' Or her colleague 'Darling.' It's strange to imagine that Mrs. Freyler will pass on the word to Mrs. Reiterer at the next parent meeting: 'Darling, would you like to continue?'

The beach? Awesome!
The beach? Awesome!

It's clear that not every salesperson is really interested in how my day was just because he asks, 'How was your day so far?' Nevertheless, I find it exciting that you take the time for this ritual here. Last Monday in the supermarket, I was really startled at first when the nice gentleman at the checkout wanted to know how my weekend was. How could it have been? Awesome, great of course!

The view from our balcony? Awesome!
The view from our balcony? Awesome!
Feeding kangaroos? Awesome!
Feeding kangaroos? Awesome!
Petting a koala? Awesome!
Petting a koala? Awesome!
Surfing? Awesome!
Surfing? Awesome!

