
Day 50 Christmas 2.0

Ebifulumiziddwa: 23.12.2018

So - our Christmas Eve is coming to an end while it is just beginning for you.
However, we don't want to withhold from you how our slightly different Christmas day went (: .
We started the day with a delicious breakfast. Instead of WeatBisc with milk, we had toast with egg and bacon, delicious Boysenberry and Kiwi jam.
Then we drove to Hokitika - the city of jade. After a short stop with visits to various jade shops and their workshops, we went to Hokitika Gorge. A granite gorge with incredibly turquoise glacier water and a suspension bridge. Basti decided to cool off in the freezing cold river, while I sat on a rock on the shore and enjoyed the view (: .
At our lakeside campsite with a view of the snow-capped peaks of the New Zealand Alps, we cooked bratwurst with sauerkraut and potatoes and made a Christmas mobile. With a full stomach, we went to the beach, where we unpacked the presents at sunset - with Mount Cook (New Zealand's highest mountain) behind us. Now we are lying in our little bed with fairy lights. What a special Christmas day (:

We wish you a peaceful Christmas season with your loved ones and send you our best wishes from afar!

Pauline and Basti


New Zealand mu ggwanga lya New Zealand
Lipoota z'entambula New Zealand mu ggwanga lya New Zealand