On the road again
On the road again

12.03.2023 husky project

Ebifulumiziddwa: 12.03.2023

We washed and we cleaned the dishes and we cooked and we cleaned again, then we baked and cleaned again. Inside days always take longer than other days.

I baked some bread, that I thought would turn out terrible but it actually looks fine. 

The guests were very nice today, it seems they have fully accepted that they can't change Konstantin & Johanna's opinion so everyone was 'friends' again.

I was able to go on another puppy walk and the weather was amazing again. We only had -5°!

During puppy walks everbody gets a young and an old dog. The young one's are supposed to learn from the old one's how to drag something behind them and focus on the road.

Luvan(11years old) is a lead dog. She is very smart and can follow some complicated commands.

Alma(12years old) is retired and just enjoys the little walk, she isn't very bright but very happy.

Molly(6years old) is a labrador and more difficult to control than some of the young husky dogs.

Lucia(11years old) is an older sled dog.

They always get combined with:

Maple(1year) very cute but very chaotic

Cypress(1year) very strong and always loves to fight.

Elm(1year) his body hasn't fully catched up with his size so he looks a bit out of proportion.

Oak(1year) rather small and sleeps inside the house a lot because he isn't the strongest.

So if you wan't to prank the new volunteer you give them Cypress/maple and molly and watch the chaos unfold.

At one point we crossed one of the neighbours who were walking with their dog and it got a bit intense for a moment. Because we had 8 of our dogs with us, that were very focused on proving that they are stronger than the one dog.

We just held on to the leashes very tightly until they walked past us. If we were walking with dogs like nobel or marshall it could have gone 'differently'.

The evening was very entertaining because everyone had seen laura's new hairstyle. So 4 more volunteers decided to give their hair some new flare.

Matthias is a friend of johanna and our personal hair dresser. He had some solid skill cutting hair even though its not his profession, he is actually a driving insructor.

It was quite fun.
Okuddamu (3)

your bread looks actually pretty good! Good Job! XD

Hallo Nick, Het brood zag er heerlijk uit. Maar ik vind dat ze wel wat van jullie profiteren, als je voor zoveel mensen moet eten maken. Als je dat nooit gedaan hebt best moeilijk. moet eigenlijk iemand bij zijn die tegen jullie zegt wat je moet doen. Weer leuke fot'os Dikke Knuffel Oma.