
Without a guide through the jungle...🌳🌴🌿

Ebifulumiziddwa: 17.01.2019

Hello Peanut, we are baaack!

Internet in the rainforest wasn't quite so nice, that's why we're only just reaching out now 🤓.

We set off to Tembeling and the rainforest on Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. The journey took 3 hours, thanks in part to our driver, who was almost falling asleep. However, we didn't arrive directly at our destination as expected, but were dropped off on the way because we were supposed to continue by boat from here (it's not that there is no direct road to get there 🤦🏽‍♀). We were a bit perplexed. When we found out that this boat ride would last for 3 hours!!!, we weren't so amused anymore. Well, there's no point in getting upset. We had lunch and then at 1:30 pm, it started. We had to admit that we had to laugh a little when we saw the boats. They were more like nutshell boats 🤷🏽‍♀😂. Of course, we had the best seats, we were splashed with water in the face the whole trip 😤. But the scenery was really beautiful.

How to get into the jungle
How to get into the jungle
3 hour trip into nirvana
3 hour trip into nirvana

When we finally arrived, we immediately started looking for our hotel. After walking through the "city" for about 10 minutes, we found it, and behold, we naturally hit the jackpot again, it was the only nice house for miles. And our room was really big and clean.

Tebing Guest House
Tebing Guest House
View from the room
View from the room
Jungle - other side of the river
Jungle - other side of the river

Since we were really tired from the whole journey, we just went to eat something and then indulged in Netflix 🤷🏽‍♀. The next day we slept in, went for breakfast


 and then we made our way to the Taman Negara National Park, which is the second oldest rainforest in the world at 130 million years old. Because of the heat, the 7822991728% humidity, and the seemingly 10000 steps, we looked as if we had been on a hours-long march, but it was worth it, the view was really stunning. 

Path in the jungle so you don
Path in the jungle so you don't get lost
Teresik Hill - viewww 😍
Teresik Hill - viewww 😍
Small tree 🌳
Small tree 🌳

We didn't see any animals, except for a few creepy insects 🤷🏽‍♀. 

1000-legged (for a change without poison )🤦🏽‍♀️
1000-legged (for a change without poison )🤦🏽‍♀️

After 2 hours, we went back to the hotel and chilled for a bit, then we took a nap for an hour because in the evening we still had a Night Jungle Walk on the schedule. It started at 8:30 pm. There were 6 of us and surprise, all Germans 😂. But since it was raining, our chances of seeing any bigger animals were very slim. Our guide told us that it takes a lot of luck to see them and that usually you only see small animals like spiders, scorpions, and sometimes snakes. Besides, let's be honest, which animal wants to have 16281 flashlights shining in its face at night. But it was still an experience to walk through a rainforest at night, it was definitely something 👍🏽. Afterwards, we talked to a German couple for a while about Thailand, Vietnam, etc. and then went to sleep.

That's it for now, we're already moving on this morning - back to Kuala Lumpur, or rather to Shah Alam. We were picked up at 9:30 am from the hotel and driven to Jerantut to the bus terminal. Since our driver was a real speeder, we actually arrived almost half an hour early. But our bus to Shah Alam didn't leave until 12:30 pm, so we had to wait a while. The waiting time was slightly shortened by some people who started talking to us again 🥳😂.

After a 4 1/2 hour bus ride, we arrived at our destination. 

Shah Alam hotel
Shah Alam hotel
Shah Alam Hotel
Shah Alam Hotel

Despite the many hotels here, it seems that the people are not so used to tourists, you can imagine how we are looked at here 🤦🏽‍♀. We quickly dashed into KFC to grab something to eat. Of course, just when we wanted to go back to the hotel, it started pouring rain. And we mean really pouring. We were soaking wet when we got back to the hotel 🤦🏽‍♀ 

Downpour - ciaaao
Downpour - ciaaao

Now we're just chilling here for a while, tomorrow we're off to Thailand 🇹🇭 - FINALLY! 🥳

In that sense, have a wonderful day, see you soon 👏🏽.


Lipoota z'entambula Malaysia