
01|11|2019, A new adventure begins

Ebifulumiziddwa: 01.11.2019

Hi guys,

new journey, same blog, but a new face by my side.

In the next 6 months, I will be traveling through Australia and New Zealand with Ann-Estelle, my girlfriend. Two days ago, on October 30, 2019, we started our journey at Hamburg Airport. After saying goodbye to our loved ones with a tear or two, we went through the security check. A final wave, a final smile, and just like that, we were out of sight and on our way to our great adventure!

Our journey began with a flight from Hamburg to Munich. We took off from Hamburg with a significant delay.

At this point, there was definitely a conflicting feeling in my head. Besides the excitement of starting a great adventure, it was very difficult for me to leave my home and especially my family for such a long time.

North Germany said goodbye to us with a cold but beautiful autumn day, but the thought of the warm weather and summer in Australia made my heart beat faster.

With a 35-minute delay, we landed in Munich. When we got off the plane, the boarding for our connecting flight had already begun. We ran through the entire Munich Airport like crazy because, of course, the departure gate was at the exact opposite end of the airport!

But when we scanned our boarding pass, we couldn't help but laugh despite the rush!

Now we had a 13-hour flight from Munich to Singapore ahead of us, but it was bearable thanks to the great seats we had at the emergency exit.

We both managed to sleep a lot on the plane, so we arrived in Singapore well-rested!

Just like last time, I was absolutely thrilled by the airport in Singapore. With incredible attention to detail, orchid gardens, and monorails between the terminals, the layover was made much more pleasant for us.

Then the shock came, during boarding in Singapore, both of us were suddenly called out. Ann-Estelle's visa supposedly couldn't be found in the system. All other passengers got on the plane, the airport staff made phone calls, and nobody kept us informed.

Then the relief came, the visa simply wasn't properly entered into the system, and 5 minutes before departure, as the last passengers, we were finally allowed to board the plane.

The 9-hour flight to Brisbane was okay. Although we were much more limited in terms of space and eventually got tired, the time passed relatively quickly!

And then it happened, we could set foot on Australian soil for the first time. Although we were greeted with rain, it was 22 degrees and pleasantly warm.

Real relief came when we both could pick up our luggage from the baggage carousel in Brisbane. We still had to go through security, which was no problem, and then the moment had come. After about 27 hours of travel, we had arrived. Quite exhausted from the journey, we sat in a taxi and went to the hostel we had booked in advance.

You can't imagine how relieving it was to just fall onto the bed in our private room. Now it was 8 o'clock in the morning, and although the day was just beginning, it felt like it was already over. So we rested a bit in the hostel, took a shower, and finally explored the city a bit. On first impressions, I really like Brisbane. It feels like a lively and yet peaceful city that we really enjoyed at first.

In the city, we also got a really good offer for a mobile phone contract, which we immediately accepted. So now we are also "online" here in Australia and can even make unlimited calls to Germany for free!

I'm really looking forward to the next few days and I think we will have a wonderful time here in Australia. In the next couple of days, we will take care of opening a bank account, getting our tax number, and buying a car. I'm confident that we will handle all of this well, but for now, I'm just looking forward to our bed!

Let's see what new experiences tomorrow holds for us!

Greetings from Brisbane, Australia! 🇦🇺

Your Tim! 😊

Okuddamu (6)

Ich freue mich, dass alles so gut - wenn auch mit spannenden Details - geklappt hat 😍 schlaft schön! Love you ❤️

Viel Spaß 😊


Fand ich jetzt nicht allzu interessant


Hallo Ihr beiden, ich hoffe euch geht es gut. Die Bilder sind sehr schön. Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß. Genießt die Zeit. Und bleibt Gesund. G.l.G Evelin