Kerala - Ayurveda
Kerala - Ayurveda

Thursday, January 10th

Ebifulumiziddwa: 10.01.2019

How will yoga be?

Yesterday I went shopping at the hotel shop. It offers 95% Ayurvedic medicine and a few 'essential things' like postcards, hotel t-shirts, pens, incense sticks, etc. This shop is located 5 meters away from my bungalow. In general, everything I use daily is right in front of my 'hut'! The restaurant is only about 25 steps away, the hospital is 35 steps away, and the reception (where I am currently sitting because this is the only place with Wi-Fi and therefore, with a connection to the outside world) is about 50 steps away. Perfect!

My schedule for today was, after a better night's sleep (I went to bed at 11:30 pm), to wake up refreshed. Then breakfast, consultation, and then a massage down by the 'sea'. Today, again, oiling, stamping, the obligatory ring with liquid oil on the chest, and something new: a special massage for the area of my leg that has been numb since a car accident in 2003, PLUS a special treatment for my eyes. These days, my eyes are really worrying me. The doctor promptly responded and ordered the following: dip a small cloth into a lightly heated oil-magic mixture, then let this medicine run along the closed eyes. So far, it's quite pleasant. And I think to myself: don't open your eyes now! Concentrate, Daniela! Squeeze your eyes shut as tight as possible! And then, yes, it happens: the therapist says: now slowly open your eyes, please. What?! With the liquid on them. Oh dear, oh dear. It takes about 30 seconds until I can convince my body to open them. And then I have to do the nearly impossible thing. It's not very pleasant, and immediately, the two eyes close again. And again, the same thing starts from the beginning.... HELP! I don't want to do this! But you have to, Daniela! No, I don't want to.... etc. My angel and devil pay me a visit. After I can finally open my eyes normally again, the next attack, in the form of a small bottle, is ready. Drip, drip, drip. I hate it when something gets in my eye!!!! But I have to endure it. Om, Daniela. Om.

After this torture (yes, a little exaggerated), I return to my room. There, I am already reading my second book. The eyes work much better out here than inside the room. Maybe it's because of the natural light?
Soon, the black cat joins me next to the sun lounger, which I finally received after asking at the reception three times in three days. However, the table is still missing...
Instead, I get an Indian newspaper daily (in English), even though I read in the book of books (insiders know what I mean: the book where the reception writes down EVERYTHING): Room with no newspaper = 306, xxx, xxx
But I have already looked through it twice and read something about the strike and the snow (it has also snowed in Munnar, India, and entire tea plantations are threatened!). So, the newspaper also makes sense, and I won't ask the reception to stop giving it to me.
And then another visitor arrived. However, not on the ground, but in the air, or rather in the trees. A cheeky squirrel enjoying the very sweet sap of fresh baby coconuts.

In the meantime, I was also able to catch one of the loudest culprits in this small jungle: a crow. Well, actually, there are probably hundreds of them. But one came very close...

At 3:30 pm, I had my first yoga lesson. I enrolled in the beginners' course. I'm not actually a beginner, but, as you might have guessed, I have one of the two yoga halls right next to my bungalow (about 10 steps away). I have already watched the other classes there a few times. And I really don't dare to go in!
So I go down to the second hall and, a few minutes later, I am lying on the mat with 4 experienced beginners and 1 more classic beginner. Of course, not all of us on ONE mat! Smile. By the way, the other beginner is the German Roland from yesterday's tour of the production. The hotel is slowly getting smaller, and we are starting to recognize each other. Breathe, bend, stretch, breathe, etc. It's fun, but exhausting. The open-sided hall does let some wind in, but it's still scorching hot today. Let's see how I feel tomorrow. Hello, muscle soreness!

Afterwards, back to showering and continue reading my book. If it keeps going like this, I will have finished my own books soon and can dive into the books left behind by other guests in the large library.

Tomorrow, as the doctor announced, we are taking the next step and starting the detoxification/cleansing. Gulp! I'm curious, and I won't spare you the details! lol
The treatment now starts at 8 am. My therapist asked if I wanted to switch from 10 am to 8 am. No problem for me. That way, I have more of the day.
