
7th June

Ebifulumiziddwa: 10.06.2017

2nd June
The last 2 weeks were the best of all. I never thought it could get any better than the weeks before, and I could write a whole page about each day. Unfortunately, I can't do that now, so just look at the pictures and I'll tell you more when I get home. I was riding for several hours every day and herding cows. Last Wednesday, we branded all the calves. Henry and a few 'cowboy friends' caught each calf with a lasso :) We had 18 cows from a neighbor who calved on our ranch, and on Friday we took them back to their ranch. We arrived at the ranch at 7 pm (I had been riding for 12 hours straight by then) and we had to brand a few more calves there. It was too late to ride back, so we stayed there. There was no electricity or water, and I didn't have any other things with me (we were riding). I think it was the most beautiful thing I have ever done. 12 hours of riding, sleeping, getting up, and riding back. After a week like that, you think: Now we could have Sunday. Haha... then you come home at noon and have to milk and feed the cows first ;).
This week, we drove all our cows to the ranch (to their summer pasture). There were only 3 riders and about 100 cows with calves. It was quite a job, especially when you have to drive them through the forest. But I think all the cows and calves arrived. And this week I went on many trips: I visited a waterfall and a small canyon, I went to Tatla Lake and to Fred's (a friend) place, which is three hours away from civilization, in a really beautiful valley.
And now it's Friday and I'm sitting in the RV in Bella Coola. And I already miss the ranch, the people, and the animals. Of all the places I've been to so far, this was definitely the best and I will definitely come back. I can't imagine a more beautiful place in the world. When I arrived here, someone greeted me with: 'Welcome to paradise' and that's really true :).

7th June
We haven't had Wi-Fi since we started driving the RV. On Thursday evening, Mom and Dad arrived in Nimpo Lake. We took a tour of the ranch and had dinner together. In the morning, I fed the cows and horses one last time, and then we drove to Bella Coola. There, we visited a waterfall and the harbor, and took a little walk through the rainforest. The next day, we had to drive all the way back. We saw many bears along the way and camped at a small lake behind Tatla Lake. Then we continued to Lac la Hache and the next day to Clearwater, where we visited a few waterfalls. Yesterday afternoon, we arrived in Whistler, where we plan to stay for 2 nights. Yesterday evening, we took the Skytramp (like a gondola) to a mountain where we could overlook the whole Whistler and all the surrounding mountains and lakes. And today, we took a short walk around Maligne Lake. RVing is really cool. Except for once, we've always been at campgrounds, and every evening we have a campfire and eat some hot dogs on sticks.

Okuddamu (1)

nicht Whistler sondern Jasper