G&N in Norwegen
G&N in Norwegen

Time out at Sandviken Camping

Ebifulumiziddwa: 12.09.2023

We needed a break and we took it. Yesterday it rained all day and the wind was not without either. Nevertheless, the place here is the most beautiful. It's the crowning conclusion, it couldn't have been better for us before we have to go back to Kristiansand tomorrow.

We spent a lot of the day yesterday in the trailer. Lay around fiddling around on our cell phones, munching on a pizza because we didn't feel like cooking and making plans for home. We urgently want to clear out our house. Maybe this feeling gets even stronger when you're traveling in such a small space. We already have a lot of stuff with us and definitely packed too much. And when you think about how full your space at home is and how little you actually need... the day was just as good and the blog had to wait accordingly.

There are a few nice photos from our travel and arrival day here at this wonderful place that shouldn't be missing from our travel diary. The route itself was wonderful, one of the most beautiful days of travel. There is already a real autumn atmosphere in the plateaus, when we arrived at the place we felt like we were in the middle of summer. The starry sky in the evening was a real feast for the eyes.

Today the sun is shining again and we're off to the Gaustatoppen. With the great hope that the hut upstairs is still open and that we can get a waffle when we arrive 🤓

Therefore: stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed for us 🤞

Okuddamu (2)

Ich bleib dran und drück Euch die Daumen! Schön, dass ihr so "hautnah" erlebt habt, dass ein vermeintlich langweiliger Tag bei Regenwetter der inspirierenste der ganzen Reise sein kann. Das Gehirn kann endlich, befreit von ständiger Überflutung, sich neu sortieren und auf tolle Ideen kommen, die das eigene Leben bereichern. Danke für Euer schönes Beispiel! Und kommt gut Heim.

Vielen Dank lieber Uli. Ein wenig freuen wir uns ja auch auf zuhause😉

Lipoota z'entambula Norway