Dibbeldabbeldour-Südsee und mehr
Dibbeldabbeldour-Südsee und mehr

16.11.2016 Bali # Silver Wedding

Ebifulumiziddwa: 30.11.2016

So here it is, the big day. Today, 25 years ago, Maike and I said yes to each other. It's been a long time, but still present. If that's not a reason to celebrate.

As mentioned before, we want to have a small underwater ceremony to renew our vows. Maik has volunteered to be the registrar/priest and will perform the ceremony. Firman and Herman recommended the Bio Rock at Pemuteran Beach as the location. It's a project for an artificial reef at a depth of 4-8m, where metal structures are placed under a weak current to provoke coral growth. Eventually, the coral will multiply enough to call it a reef. Currently, the project is still in its early stages, but it provides the perfect conditions for our plan with its white sandy beaches and clear water with no currents.

Around noon, we will make our way to the beach with our children. The guys from the Dive Center have done a great job and prepared the equipment for 13 divers and some snorkelers according to our order. After everyone is equipped, we will go into the water. With us, there will be Herman, Firman, Uwe, Maik, Jürgen, Paula, Peter, Chit, Sandi, Tina, and Monika. Each of the five novice divers will be accompanied by an experienced diver as a guide. We don't want any unpleasant surprises. Meanwhile, Firman will act as the underwater cameraman. Kati and Philipp will snorkel on the surface to watch the ceremony.

Once we have taken our places in front of a distinctive structure at a depth of about 4m, everyone else will gather in a semicircle around us. To avoid stirring up unnecessary sand, we will perform the ceremony while kneeling. It works perfectly, and soon Maik can start the ceremony. He has prepared everything necessary, and some unnecessary things, on a writing board, and all we have to do is give the corresponding signs. However, we refuse the two-minute kiss prompt :-) After nodding our heads to say our vows, Maike gets a little surprise. I have procured some new rings before our departure, which I have been carrying with me and "smuggling" through several countries since then. The exchanging of rings concludes the ceremony, and together, we swim to each participant to thank them and accept their congratulations.

Afterward, Herman brings Chit and Sandi back to the surface. Poor Sandi didn't pull the mask completely over her nose, so she constantly struggled with water getting in. For a beginner, this can be a serious problem. Respect for how she managed to persist nonetheless.

With the rest of the group, we take a tour through the reef, resulting in a dive time of over 45 minutes. When we resurface, there are smiles on everyone's faces. I think it was a successful event for everyone involved.

We use the afternoon to relax and gather strength for the evening party. Miya and her staff are already busy decorating the garden restaurant and preparing the buffet. We have already greatly enjoyed their warm hospitality, but now they outdo themselves once again. When the party begins, we are touched by all the effort that has been made for us. Unfortunately, we never found out who painstakingly carved our faces into the watermelon. That alone would have been worthy of extra thanks.

Maike suggests that I say a few words at the opening. All day long, I tried to come up with something suitable. I even had something prepared in English for our non-German-speaking guests. But when the time comes, everything disappears into thin air, that's how emotional I am in that moment. Maike and I realize that the moment is unfolding just as we imagined, even more beautiful. Sharing this moment with the people who are most important to us. That's how it should be. No moment for big words, just being together. So let the party begin. :-)

My mother is also touched as she congratulates us with a poem. Meanwhile, Sandi and Chit, as well as others, violated the no-gift rule and present us with a piece of Burmese folk art in the form of a painting, and an original jersey of the Myanmar national football team, respectively. Paula and Philipp give us a trip to the past. Together with us and our parents, they want to take a trip to Mühlhausen. A beautiful idea. The rest of the guests have pooled their money, and now we have a balcony bench waiting for us at home so that we can watch the sunset together like an old married couple :-)

Of course, Herman has organized a band again, and they provide the framework for the feast. Dolok comes by at some point, later on Herman and Miya with Fifi and Robby, as well as Firman with Nur, Vicky, and Varel. A great guest list overall. And of course, there are more gifts. How are we going to transport all of this...

When the band takes a break, it's time for the highlight of the evening. Kati, Uwe, Jana, and Peter have prepared a small program after months of work. Based on a questionnaire about our years together, which Maike and I filled out separately in the summer at Louisengarten, they present the answers in a humorous way together. In the meantime, Peter translates everything into English in an incomparable way. Fortunately, it turns out that we have more similarities than differences to look back on. It's a fantastic performance, and we all laughed heartily. The results, which have been compiled into a book by Kati over the months since our departure, are rounded off by contributions from everyone present, as well as from friends and relatives who couldn't be here today. In the end, we all sing the Proclaimers hit "500 Miles" together, one of our favorite songs at the moment. Ida has been singing it by the pool from time to time for the past few days, so Kati was already afraid that the surprise would be spoiled. But it isn't. We are amazed and grateful to have such friends. Thank you very much, dear friends, you're the best!

The evening then takes its natural course, and everyone seems to be having an excellent time. As the night gets later, the staff is sent home, and the party moves to the pool. With the sounds of Peter Fox's "Letzter Tag," there is a cannonball battle in the finest attire, and we literally let ourselves drift a little. What a super beautiful day!

Once again, thank you to everyone who shared this day with us. It will always be an unforgettable experience for us, and it wouldn't have been possible without all of you. Terima Kasih !
