Anna in Paris
Anna in Paris

Day 2: Ailments

Ebifulumiziddwa: 26.09.2020

My night ended shortly after 6 because back pain forced me to get up. Two weeks ago, I pinched a thoracic vertebra and occasionally have unpleasant pains. After 1.5 hours of gymnastics in the mini room, I lay down again, feeling nauseous from the night before. Not a great start!

Then I got out of bed at 11, ate a slice of bread with hummus, did some things on my laptop, and completed OLS language tasks.

I quickly texted Lea about how I'm doing, and she suggested I could write a blog, she would be interested. So thanks to Lea for making this happen! After that, I lay lazily in bed and talked on the phone for a few hours until I could motivate myself to get up because I wanted to go to the opening of an artist tonight who I know from Instagram! (@lorrainesorlet)

One can assume it was a lucky coincidence that my back and stomach kept me in bed today, because there was a knife attack in the 11th arrondissement in Paris. And coincidentally, the opening is also in the 11th, and my plan was to just stroll around and explore the neighborhood beforehand. Lucky me.

To motivate myself to go out, I dressed up nicely and put on makeup, and then took the RER E towards Paris. When I arrived there, I realized that I really don't feel well and don't want to go anywhere except my bed, so I sat back on the train.

Antoine is currently working from home 2 days a week, and since my room is next to the living/work room, I have to go past the hard-working man. When I came back much earlier than planned, and had to catch my breath outside the door, I heard that FIFA was being played inside, but when I unlocked the door and went in, the TV suddenly turned off and Antoine was standing in the living room looking caught. He was probably expecting someone else. That was very amusing.

I got into bed with an apple (yes, I know Sarah!) and tea and watched a bit of Netflix, which felt good.

In the evening, Antoine and Maeva asked if I wanted to have raclette with them, and I couldn't refuse, despite the queasy stomach. We got to know each other a bit better over red wine, cheese, and ham (actually Papa). Later, a friend of theirs brought her 15-month-old son, Matthias, whom they will be taking care of until Sunday. He's a really cute little boy! But let's see how much sleep I get tonight.
