
North Island / Day 10-11

Ebifulumiziddwa: 06.09.2019

Hello everyone, the past two days were great. On Wednesday afternoon, we planted some seedlings in plastic trays so they can grow bigger before being planted. I love this work because it means the island is being reforested even more.

In the evening, we were called to the beach again because a turtle was spotted. After waiting for 4 hours and watching to see if she would lay eggs, we were lucky to see her laying her eggs. It was an amazing and exciting moment, as I almost didn't expect it anymore. I also found it very intimate to watch the turtle laying her eggs.

When we returned to the house in the evening, we found a Huntsman spider in our house. But it was still small. The adult ones can grow as big as a hand. They're not poisonous, but they can bite. And they're damn fast too. Luckily, we had male assistance to get it back outside.

Yesterday afternoon, we went snorkeling, but this time not at Eastbeach, but at Westbeach. And, oh my God, we saw so many fish. Especially so many extraordinary ones. I've never seen anything like this in my life. It was really fascinating.

In another blog post, I already told you that an employee here raised two bats, which are now very friendly. Yesterday, we had the opportunity to see and pet them. I have never seen a bat up close, let alone pet one. They have a really soft fur and their wings feel like soft thin suede. Totally crazy.

Since we have our day off today, we had a little party on our terrace last night. Some colleagues from the island also stopped by. It was a really fun evening.

See you later.

Your Alex

