
Day 30 full of experiences

Ebifulumiziddwa: 21.01.2023

Last night it rained and thundered. It was quite thunderous. Towards morning, the rain let up and we started in a small boat, heading towards Peru, or rather to the other side of the river. On the way there, we saw green and pink dolphins. We were warmly welcomed by our guide for today. Since we were now in Peru, it had to be a Peruvian who was allowed to work. We set off to search for sloths. Again, we went through the muddy jungle. Often the water was too high to walk through. Our guide skillfully built a bridge out of logs. At this water spot, there were some kind of water lilies with huge round leaves that were all connected. Eventually, the guide spotted a baby sloth. It was completely soaked from the rain during the night.

Afterwards, we saw 2 adults. The journey there was the goal in total.

Then we had lunch in Sant Antonio. The village that used to be clearly located on the Amazon. Due to flooding, the residents are worried and have built more towards the back. Understandably, because he showed us what water levels there were. The people from the village greeted back kindly, we didn't feel unwelcome. It was very calm and relaxed there. There was even an elementary school with a total of 18 children. What a dream. The children can consider themselves lucky to live here. They have a lot of freedom and always have their peers. No appointments have to be made here to meet friends.

After lunch, we went through the jungle again to reach a very old tree. When we arrived, I was very surprised by the enormous roots it had. It was only discovered in 2016. Its age is about 450 years. After the discovery, tourism started a bit here as well. In the afternoon, we returned to Puerto Narino, took a short break, and then went with an even smaller boat to our overnight destination. At Lake Teparto. A tributary of the Amazon. From here we had a different guide again. With him, we also went on a search for caimans in the dark. What an incredibly beautiful experience. Above us, a clear starry sky, the most different sounds, simply amazing. We drove for quite a while until he spotted one. We stood in the reeds with the boat, our guide lifted it out of the water with a kind of tongs, held it in his hands, explained and showed us the beautiful guy. Then he let it glide back into the water. When we arrived back in Santa Anna, we had dinner in our guide's living room. Again, a nice experience to see how people live here. The children were all sitting on the floor in front of the TV. Mom was in the hammock. She served us a delicious vegetarian meal.

Afterwards, just a quick shower and off to bed.

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