
Wine and mountains

Weşandin: 06.12.2018

The pictures have also been added

On the other side of Santiago, in the east, lie the Andes. So you can be by the sea in 1.5 hours from the capital and in the mountains, at an altitude of 5000m, at the same time. Awesome! The Cajón de Maipo is also really beautiful. The furthest corners, as we found out firsthand, are hard to reach. First by bus to San José, then further to Baños Morales at the very back of the valley. When asking when the bus would come, you get many different answers, from one hour to not at all. The truth was somewhere in between. We still managed to catch the bus and went over many speed bumps that the bus driver just ignored, with 20 kg of luggage each, in the crowded bus with the narrow seats. Several hours later, it was already dusk when we finally arrived. We immediately pulled through bushes and over rocks up the mountain to the German (!) refuge of the Alpine Club, only to find out that it was closed and then to realize that we were in the wrong refuge. So we had to turn back and march back down to the accommodation. That was quite a strain on the back! The place was very cozy and hospitable. The host personally cooked for us.
On the next day, we hiked to the foot of the San Francisco volcano, passing romantic, almost kitschy landscapes with meadows, snow-covered mountain peaks, and horses. Ahhhh.
In the same valley, you can also enjoy delicious beer. A fine beer tasting for free and then one beer per person and even one on the house. How we found our way back to the bus is still a mystery to us.
Not only beer, but especially delicious wine can be tasted. In the third largest winery in the world, Concha y Toro, there are noble drops from all over Chile, and Cousiño Macul also has a lot to offer. Cozy, devilishly haunted musty wine cellars included.
At the Museo de la Memoria y Derechos Humanos, we finally learned a little more, namely about the Chilean dictatorship under Pinochet, housed in a modern building that was designed with finesse but implemented somewhat shabbily.
On Tuesday, December 4th, we surprised Doro, Pit, and Bekki at Santiago Airport. The incredulous and joyful faces were very amusing and beautiful to see. The honeymoon part is now finally over 😉


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