exciting dives and the fight against plastic
WorkAway on the Utila Cays
As soon as you step onto the bus, the accelerator is pressed to the metal, and the laws of physics a...
natural adventure pool in the middle of nowhere
Ji vê panoramaya mîstîk lûtkeyên perestgehên derdorê, yên ku mîna dêwên razayî li daristanê temaşe d...
Snorkeling with Sharks - you better Belize it!
finally bad weather
The supposed decline of the civilization began with the arrival of the Spaniards at the end of the 1...
Hitchhiking until the truck comes
stranded Mayan site and turtle selfie
about couchsurfing and sea turtles
colorful houses, lively salsa and passionate hip movements
rural Cuba
a vibrant museum with everyday worries
Please fasten your seatbelts - we're about to start