

Weşandin: 11.03.2018

Long time no hear from me, I know >.< London 2 weeks ago is already quite some time ago. But a quick update:
On Saturday, I went to London with a few friends for some sightseeing. In the evening, we went to a pub (no, we didn't drink anything, except for the three cocktails and shots :D) and then headed to our Airbnb. On Sunday, we went to the Chinese New Year festival and later to the musical 'The Lion King'.

Last week, due to the bad weather and snow, a pipe apparently burst and we had a flood in the house. It's not a big deal, but it was really annoying until everything was dry again.

But now, let's talk about the current entry about Cambridge :D We were there yesterday. It is quite reminiscent of Oxford, but oh well :D Still a very beautiful city. The building in the pictures is King's College. Built by Henry VI. Well, at least he started it :D It ultimately took over 100 years to complete. The strange golden thing is the Corpus Clock. It was unveiled by Stephen Hawking in 2008. The Time Eater (the metal monster on top) spins the golden disc and moves its mouth. However, the clock only shows the correct time every 5 minutes. The rest of the time, the clock seems to either stand still or race. That's why people stand and stare at it for minutes :D
The weather also played along AND I found a Disney Store :D:D:D We all had a lot of fun and the three and a half hour bus ride was totally worth it!!
