
Day 5 - First dive & Tarragona

Weşandin: 06.04.2019

Hello everyone!

Today was a really wonderful day!

We got up early, went to the dive center, and had our diving tanks filled there. They told us to move our camper van to the next parking lot, where there wouldn't be any problems. So we quickly moved our motorhome before jumping into the water. One of the dive guides there was very friendly and told us exactly what to look out for.

In Switzerland, we often go diving on our own, but this was our first time diving in the sea. For those of you who are non-divers: In Switzerland, we have many steep walls with deep abysses, which can be a problem for many people who are not used to it. However, in the sea, you have to take into account the currents, and the sights are often large rocks with a reef on top. That means you go around one rock after another until the remaining air forces you to turn back. In our opinion, navigating in the sea is much more challenging...

Of course, we missed the exit and ended up at the bathing beach. In general, this wouldn't be a problem, but today we had very rough waves. It's not easy to get out of the water with about 30 kilograms of equipment. The other divers saw that we came the wrong way and were immediately there to help. They took our fins, mask, and camera and helped us out of the water. It's really great how everyone always sticks together - mind you, we've never seen these people before.

The dive itself was very cool! At the beginning, the visibility was terrible, but the deeper we went and the further away from the shore, the better it got. We saw two moray eels, various small fish, and a really special, colorful plant (uploaded with the pictures).

After the dive, we were allowed to clean our things with normal water and leave them there to dry for one hour. Actually, we wanted to quickly visit the castle and take some pictures, but the hour went by so quickly... After we had loaded everything back into the car and were ready to leave, we wanted to start slowly... I tried to take some pictures out of the window, but as expected, they didn't turn out well :)

We drove about three hours via 'Manresa' to 'Tarragona' and are now parked in a beautiful spot that Kevin found.

Tomorrow we will jump back into the water. There are supposed to be 2.3 really great diving spots here. In addition, the day after tomorrow we would like to go to the PortAventura Park, for which we received tickets from my mom for Christmas. Now we just realized that they are only valid until Jan. 2019 - but we are confident that it will still work out. After all, they are less than 5 months old...

Next, we are heading to Alicante. There are great diving spots, exciting via ferratas, and very beautiful hiking trails. According to the navigation system, we still need 4 hours and 35 minutes from here - so effectively about 5 hours and 30 minutes :)

Let's see if we do it in one go or if we spontaneously make a stop along the way :)

You will be the first to know, in any case ;)

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Jöööh, danke! 😘
