
Bye Bye Brasil / The Last Days in Brazil

Weşandin: 17.05.2017

After a month on Floripa, the island had become familiar to us. We had gotten used to the sounds of the language, the food, and our spot behind the dunes. Here, I could go to the beach in the morning with Vincent when he woke up before sunrise. We would lay out a towel and make ourselves comfortable on the soft, fine sand, watching the vultures fishing and the early bird surfers paddling in the water, until we returned to our van for café da manhã (breakfast) and woke up Papa. Slowly but noticeably, it was getting cooler. After the hot Easter week, which attracted countless tourists, especially from Uruguay, to the beaches, it became quieter and colder. In May, the fishermen will take over the bays around the island, and the last local surfers will have to wait until next spring for their sport. In the last days before our departure, we spent a few days in the south of the island at Lagoa do Peri and the beach of Armação. Our planned return journey was repeatedly postponed for a few more days, to go swimming one last time, to have one last lunch buffet at the great restaurant in Lagoa da Conceição, to go to Capoeira class one more time, to get to know the south of the island one more time, etc. Eventually, we felt like we had seen and experienced everything. Dennis was also looking forward to the mountains. During our last night on Brazilian soil, Vincent got his first little tooth: the lower right incisor. :)