One Way Ticket To Canada
One Way Ticket To Canada

Back into the wilderness

Weşandin: 27.11.2018

It's actually easier to write a blog when you write about experiences that happened a week ago and not two months ago, but I'll try anyway.

Maybe I'll make up some stuff and then it will all make sense in the end :D
Here's an update: I'm doing very well, I'm now living in Mississauga and looking for a job.

When I think back to Banff, I think mainly of this: Yeah nature and oh no it's cold! Banff National Park, or Bamf as we nicknamed it, is part of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. It's an incredibly popular vacation destination and that's why most Canadians go to the more northern Jasper to escape the crowds. So we threw ourselves into the tourist masses and walked the longest hiking trails to avoid meeting anyone :) 

Since you can't freecamp in Banff, we treated ourselves to the ultimate luxury and went to a campground WITH shower. Yes, I know, we just had one, but I'm not so sure if Lea realized that eventually the lakes would become too cold to wash in. The 'town' of Banff itself should be avoided, as it consists mainly of shops and the Visitor Center. I think it used to be a nice little town before everything was tailored to tourism.

Canadian 'Mount Rushmore' :D
A little mop :)
A little mop :)

We were already a little tired and not quite prepared for the worst part of the trail, which consisted of a narrow, incredibly steep scree slope. Yeah

After this great part of the trail, we came across an even greener lake. 

We knew this time that we still weren't there, as we still didn't see a pass, but we all didn't have the desire to continue...and then came the worst hikers, with the worst news you can have when you don't want to keep walking: 'The pass is really worth it and it's not far anymore.' -.- Oh man. When you hear that, you can't just turn around and go back. 

Another lake...

So we kept going and after another lake, a nice view of another lake and several 'Are we really there now?!', we finally reached the pass! 

The view was amazing and it was really worth it a little bit. 

On the way back we saw a marmot. Actually we just heard it. It makes a funny loud squeaking sound and it runs fast. 


Now if you think you've seen too many beautiful blue lakes in this blog, brace yourself for the next blog. Canada could actually be called 'Land of lakes in the entire blue-green spectrum'.

A wildlife bridge 

Ganz unten rechts sieht man 'Lussier River', die einzigen kostenlosen Hot Springs in der Region. Dafür aber auch wirklich hot. Sehr angenehm, auch wenn wir danach ein wenig gemüffelt haben nach Schwefel.
Down in the bottom right you can see
Down in the bottom right you can see 'Lussier River', the only free hot springs in the region. But they are really hot. Very pleasant, even if we smelled a bit like sulfur afterwards. But we smelled like that anyway :D
The hot spring pools 
Hoodies. Those funny peaks up there are called hoodoos
Hoodies. Those funny peaks up there are called hoodoos

Bersiv (2)

Also Lea, ich finde es wirklich nicht ok, dass du immer die Windows-Beispielbilder auf deinen sonst so schönen Blog hochlädst!

Nicht so laut, sonst bekommt das noch jemand mit und dann bekomm ich ganz doll Urberheberrechtsärger ;)