
Out of magic

Weşandin: 24.03.2024

Now we are on the ferry to Rostock. Yesterday evening we were in Malmö with a friend from my teaching months in Sweden and spent a very cozy evening with her.

It's been raining and it's really bleak. Of course there's no more snow, but it's not spring yet either. Now we're looking forward to going home! The car also has little problems. For example, the windshield wiper works when it wants to and every few hundred km the whole car jerks and only wants to take on a little gas, but it has had that for years and NO mechanic has figured out what could be the problem. So far it always stops after a short time, but it is always exciting and not pleasant.

The car looks a bit worn out!

The summary of this trip is clear to me: the far north of Europe is something very special in winter! We experienced a lot of beautiful things and almost every day was an adventure. The journey is gigantic and you feel a bit like an exotic person in the motorhome. Surprisingly, we were never cold in the car itself. The additional insulation was really worth it. Our electric “Öferl” has proven its worth and we have used less gas than expected.

Overall, a very nice, adventurous trip where you can explore your limits a little. When you watch the Northern Lights at night at over -30°, or rattle through the snow-white landscape with sled dogs in four layers of clothes, you feel that the magic of life lies outside your comfort zone!

Bersiv (1)

Wir gratulieren!!!! Und freuen uns schon, euch bald wieder zu sehen!!!!! Noch eine gute Fahrt!