
Our Caribbean cruise from Barbados

Weşandin: 17.04.2019

Today we are in Martinique. We had booked a tour called 'The North Tour' with Cathrin Herbert in advance for today. The meeting point was not ideal as it was very crowded and they also started several different tours from there. The Aida cruise ship was also in Martinique today. Additionally, one of the guides and a bus were missing. It took quite a while. After the guide showed up, the other groups were able to start. We had to wait for the bus.

When the bus finally arrived and we all got in and stored everything in the bus, we were ready to go. However, after just a few meters, we encountered a police checkpoint. They are very thorough there, so it took a while again. Once that was done, we finally started.

The first stop was at the Basilica of Balata, a replica of the Sacre Coeur in Paris. Then we continued by bus towards the rainforest. Today, the bus ride didn't agree with me at all. I was struggling with nausea and dizziness. I was always relieved when we could get off the bus.

We stopped on the road and then took a walk through the rainforest. It was wonderful, especially because there were no larger groups there, only a few tourists. Cathrin showed us and explained a lot. At the end of the walk, we reached a river where you could also swim. My husband dared to do it. Grins. I only went up to my calves, it was quite cold.

The next stop was at the Sant Gendarme waterfall. You could also swim there. This time I also ventured into the cool water. It was really refreshing.

Then we continued to a botanical garden, which is usually closed on Sundays. But Cathrin had a key to the garden, so we were the only ones walking around there. In the beginning, it got pretty dark and Cathrin said there would be rain soon. We took shelter under a wooden shelter. You could hear the approaching sound of the rain. It was really impressive. Then there was a heavy rain shower and after that, the sun was shining again for the rest of the day. Then we continued our walk. There was a lot to see. Nutmeg trees, pineapple plants, coffee and cocoa plants, hummingbirds, and the very hungry caterpillar. My husband was particularly fascinated by the so-called torture tree, which had many long, very hard thorns. People used to be placed there as a punishment. I found the fireworks tree most impressive. The closed flowers look like cotton swabs for cleaning ears.

Afterwards, we went to a place where we set up our picnic for lunch. Cathrin made everything herself. There was chicken, banana salad, couscous salad, baguette and cheese, and a dessert. Of course, there were also drinks. She also had a very tasty homemade rum punch.

Then we continued to the Depaz rum distillery. You could also taste some rum varieties there. After that, we took a walk through the park. Cathrin also explained the steps in rum production to us. There was also a small museum about the history. Saint Pierre was almost completely destroyed by a volcanic eruption in 1902. Around 30,000 people died. Only a few remains of the city walls are still standing. In the museum, you can also see the remains of a melted bell that belonged to the Depaz distillery.

There, you could also see the old water wheel, the mansion with a magnificent view of the sea, and a huge old rubber tree. You could swing back and forth on its lianas if you had enough strength. Grins.

Afterwards, a stop at the beach for swimming was actually planned. Unfortunately, the majority of the guests wanted to return to the ship. What a pity.

Despite the initial difficulties, it was a very nice excursion that we can recommend.

Back on the ship, we got ready for dinner and started packing our suitcases. They had to be placed outside the cabin by 12 a.m. at the latest. It was exhausting and not fun at all. I don't know how many times we repacked until the weight finally matched. We immediately put the suitcases outside the cabin. When we returned after dinner, the suitcases were already collected.

I was completely exhausted from the day and the aftermath of the bus ride, so I didn't want to go anywhere else today. My husband met up with the other couple for a drink. I was about to get ready for bed when I remembered that we still had to pick up our travel DVD and the USB stick with our pictures from the photo gallery. So I put on something again and went there. It was quite crowded as all the guests departing the next day were there to pick up their things. When it was finally my turn, the staff member showed me the pictures on a laptop. Unfortunately, there were also some pictures that were not ours. They needed to be deleted, of course. But that wasn't possible because there was a protection on the stick, so it had to be completely redone. So I had to wait again. Meanwhile, my husband and the couple also came there, as they had ordered something too. After some time, we finally got the USB stick and then went to the cabin. Finally, lie down. Tomorrow will be another exhausting day with the departure.

Next is Barbados with the departure.
