
Day 89 Gibb River Road (part 4)

Weşandin: 11.09.2022

Given the high temperatures even early in the morning, not only the nice sunrise view is a good reason to get up early to do at least a part of your walks in not too hot temperatures. Another bonus is that wildlife is by far more visible very early in the morning. On the way we did see this time not only many wallabies near or on or crossing the street but also a big red kangaroo and colorful birds sitting at the side of the road.

Good morning at Imintji campground
red kangaroo on the way...
(colorful) birds on the street

First walk of the day is the Bell Gorge walk. It is already very hot walking the partly stony way to the waterfall, but the views and the waterfall still having water that late in the dry season is worth the effort. On the way you can see more wildlife such as small and big lizards but also a tree with big red flowers, which is rare to see any flowering trees.

Bell Gorge waterfall
big lizard on Bell Gorge walk
red flowers on tree - very rare to see any flowers

On the way to the next stop Stuart discovered an unnamed lookout point and wanted to have a look. After just a few minutes, Stuart decided it is far too hot to move and wanted to go back to the car.

Stuart at lookout point on the Gibb

The next and last stop of the day was Lennard River Gorge. It is a very stony walk, up and down the hills. At the end of the walk you reach the Lennard River Gorge Lookout, but this lookout is far away from the water edge, so unfortunately no swimming possible to cool-down after this strenuous walk in the hot sun without shade...

Lennard River Gorge
Lennard River Gorge Lookout Point

Due too Covid more than half of the roadhouses and campgrounds on the Gibb did not even open for the 2022 season or closed again before the end of the season, so for the night we had to drive on to Derby for the night. On the way is Queen Victoria head passage, although not sure, why it was named like that.

The good thing about driving on to Derby was that after days with no meals as roadhouses did not offer any meals in contrast to the roadhouses in the Northern Territory or Queensland, we could have some pizza for dinner. Pizza never tasted more delicious after 4 days without a proper meal...

Queen Victoria head
Derby mud flat
Pizza at Derby - first real food after days


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