
Day 27, Mariehamn - Lappo, 47 km

Weşandin: 15.06.2022

I'm excited to be back on the bike after three days and leave the 'capital' of the Åland Islands heading northeast.

First, I head to the end of this island until Hummelvik, which is 47 km from Mariehamn.

The route is great, the weather is fantastic, and there is also something to see along the way.


After some time, I arrive at Kastelholm Castle. It is the only castle on the Åland Islands.

Kastelholms slott
Kastelholm Castle

As I read the information boards, I realize how strategically important the island group was and perhaps still is. It was occupied by Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, and Germany also had plans for a takeover.

Perhaps this is also a reason why the majority of the Ålanders are still against militarization and in favor of a high degree of autonomy.

I reach the ferry terminal and, along with a group of French people also traveling by bike, I take the ferry to Lappo.

Fähre nach Lappo
Ferry to Lappo

Two hours later, we arrive in Lappo.

Tiina picks me up. My cabin is right by the water.

There are 30 people living on this 4 x 4 sqm island. There used to be a school, but now the children have to take a boat to the island of Brändö, which is twenty minutes away. The same goes for funerals, which need to be transferred to Brändö.

At night, I wake up at 1:45 am and admire the beauty of the sky. It is incredibly quiet here.

View towards the north 
My cabin at night around 1:45 am 


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