
From an airplane, a Frenchwoman, and the sun

Weşandin: 07.02.2018

The airplane

It's still 50 minutes until landing in Sao Paulo. Our airplane is racing through the sky at a speed of almost 900 km/h and is currently above Belo Horizonte. It feels like we're floating above this thick layer of clouds made of mist from nearly 80% humidity (at least that's what my weather app tells me) underneath which the huge Brazil can only be guessed.

I am fascinated by flying. Honestly, I had my last transatlantic flight at the age of 7 and I only remember big turbulence over the Atlantic, huge screens showing some war movie right in front of our noses, and many lovely flight attendants. The flight attendants haven't changed, they are all great and only want the best for you. The big screens have been replaced by small monitors that everyone can operate from their own seat. How lucky we are!

Since my last days in Stuttgart were more than exciting and exhausting, and I'm still in night shift mode somehow, I found sleeping on the airplane incredibly relaxing. Of course, it's not as comfortable here, and economy class has limited space for any great sleeping positions. But you become resourceful, and thanks to super memory foam pillows, sleep masks, and earplugs, the night was actually totally fine.

The Frenchwoman

When I board in Zurich and slowly make my way through the rows of people boarding the Boeing 330, I see that the seat next to me is already taken. She is about 17 years old, I saw her in Zurich with a group of other young people in various tracksuits. Brief awkward silence, which language should we speak. She answers my English questions with super French but understandable accent. Heléne is a tennis player, a young talent, flying to Asuncion to play a tournament there. She has spent her entire youth traveling and playing tournaments... a completely different life than I know.

The sun

Small patches of land flicker through the haze. Currently, a mountain range with many small rivers can be seen. Above the clouds, there is bright sunshine, and if you blink into the sun, you only see white spots for seconds, it's so bright.

The airplane has now turned and started the approach to Sao Paulo with a fantastic view. And now the sun is shining directly in my face. Awesome!

This is how you land in Sao Paulo.

I wonder what awaits me there besides my uncle Gergö?

Heat, carnival, joy of life...

Bersiv (1)

Tolle Bilder :) da kriegt man direkt Fernweh! Die verschiedenen Schlafpositionen sind manchmal echt witzig in Economy und die Leute echt kreativ :D (Du bist mit einem Airbus 340 geflogen, du weisst ja...ich und Fliegerei, das war mir jetzt noch wichtig :D)

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