
Tag 25: Newport and South Beach State Park

Weşandin: 30.06.2018

Shortly before 9 o'clock we turn onto the coastal road 101 heading north. Ahead of us is 1 hour of pure driving time. The dune landscape changes and becomes rockier. I have selected a few points of interest where we want to stop. We drive past the first one, it is a viewpoint with a view of a cliff with a lighthouse. We see it from the road, but we miss the corresponding parking lot. We don't turn around just for a photo. The next point is again cliffs where the water plays around the rocks. We take photos and continue on. The third stop is at a visitor center of the National Forest Service. It is still closed and we take a hike to the sea. We have the opportunity to visit the tidal flats and walk on the wet ground. A little further there are tide pools, but we can't find any starfish or sea urchins. We go around the rock to the Devil's Churn. It is a large indentation in the cliff where the water flows in and out again. It splashes out. I like that when the power of the water becomes evident. We stay there and climb on the rocks and then return to the visitor center. Now it is open. The small exhibition is nice to see. Usually parts of animals are exhibited, this time it is whale bones, it's amazing how big they are. We quickly make Erik a Junior Park Ranger and the ranger is impressed by Erik's badge. Then it's only 30 minutes to Newport. It's noon and Erik wants to eat Asian food, since our supplies are almost depleted, we go to the Thai restaurant. It tastes very good. On the recommendation of the travel guide, we visit the Newport Aquarium. It is nicely done. Various tanks with the usual suspects. We see stingrays, surgeonfish, clownfish, jellyfish, sharks, etc. In one tank, starfish and sea urchins can be touched. Outside, there are seals, otters, and a bird aviary with puffins. Erik is excited and rushes from one to the other. Unfortunately, we miss the attention to detail. We only linger at the seals and David also watches eagerly. A pelican is presented and fed. It seems very trained. After an hour we are outside again. We have seen better aquariums, it was good. Our favorite is still the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.
Newport claims to have the only remaining active historic waterfront in the USA. The houses on the Bayfront date from around 1900. We stroll along the promenade. There are still 2 fish factories, so it smells like fish. At first glance, it reminds us a bit of Buesum with the crab fishermen. We city people hold our noses. The realistically painted murals of seafaring are beautiful. We find out there that Germany is out of the World Cup and Rene says he knew it. Now we eat ice cream and leave the waterfront.
It's half past 4, so we drive to the tip of the harbor entrance. It's sunny and we take a short walk on the beach. Our campground is nearby. After dinner, Erik and I participate in the Junior Park Ranger program. It's about fossils and it's very interesting. I translate the information for Erik as best I can. It goes on for an hour and Erik becomes more and more impatient. When another boy gets to open and even keep a stone with fossils, he almost starts a rebellion. Now I can barely convince him that we are not allowed to take fossils back to Germany. Now all fossils can be touched. That's very interesting. Especially the animals and shells. Then it's time to line up for the badge, unfortunately there are only 2 stamps and I fear the next drama. Fortunately, the ranger understands and Erik gets his badge right away. I tell him that we will move on tomorrow. Erik is proud and his vest has one more badge now. Meanwhile, Rene is out with David in the State Park. He pushes David around. He sleeps for half an hour and then wakes up, but he is well-behaved. The children go to bed at half past 9 and we go to sleep soon after.

Bersiv (1)

Fossilien habe ich einige, Erik kann sich gerne bei uns etwas aussuchen.