

Weşandin: 26.05.2021

Dear travel diary

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

On the way to school, we had another bus apprentice. He didn't drive badly, but I think the expert didn't really like him. Well, he was also really special. After school, with four new students in the class again, we went to Target at the Ala Moana Center. There we wanted to buy groceries for our Swiss evening at home. Actually, we wanted to make Älplermacaroni, but yesterday Debbie and Tony told us that many students have been cooking Hörnliauflauf so far. Since we found this quite similar and wanted to show them something different, we spontaneously came up with a new plan. So we tried to make Wienerli in dough, but we didn't know if you can find puff pastry here.

So I asked an employee in the store who first babbled into his radio. He then led us to a refrigerated shelf where there were all kinds of cookie doughs and canned cinnamon rolls, as well as canned croissants. But unfortunately no puff pastry. After another conversation with the radio, we looked in another shelf, but there was no puff pastry either.

We discussed whether we should try it with shortcrust pastry or not. Our decision was then that we would try it, but besides the Wienerli and the potato salad, we wanted to make something else in case the Wienerli didn't turn out well. The selection of potatoes was pretty easy, as there is only one variety from which everything is made.

So we left Target with groceries for the potato salad, Wienerli in dough, and Toast Hawaii. Oh, and a large bucket of Peanut Butter Pretzel, my secret addiction.

In the bus, we both took a short power nap, and the bus driver asked us if we were okay because we were in pretty weird positions. I think I've never slept so much in a bus before, as here in Hawaii. But it's generally a good pastime, it just hurts pretty much afterwards.

Arriving home, we were able to relax for a while and then started with the potato salad. It was a bit difficult to cook in a foreign kitchen, and especially in a foreign country, but we made the best of it. Without broth, we had to improvise a bit and season the sauce well. Then wrap the Wienerli in a round shortcrust pastry and put it in the oven together with the toast. In the end, everything didn't turn out exactly as we wanted, but it was still edible. The potatoes were still a bit hard and the Wienerli didn't get an egg glaze, as we simply forgot about it.

At least we still have an ace up our sleeve if it really isn't good. When Grandma took the first bite, we could hardly bear to look, fearing that it wasn't good. But even Debbie liked the Toast Hawaii, although she doesn't usually like pineapple with ham. With full conviction, as if it had to be that way, I replied "cooked" when Tony asked us if the potato salad was raw or cooked. Oops...

But now to our triumph after the good meal given the circumstances. We prepared a small slideshow with pictures of our families and Switzerland, aiming to give them a glimpse of a typical year with the four seasons. They were thrilled and asked countless questions about the weather, the mountains, agriculture, politics, etc., everything they could see in the pictures. With this slideshow, we really succeeded in winning the prize for a successful Swiss evening.

They couldn't stop raving about it, and it felt like they were about to board a plane to Switzerland tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Enough with the bus apprenticeships... Another one again. At least this one had it pretty much under control and we arrived at school without much delay.

School itself was unbearable today, and I seriously considered just leaving. I was also extremely tired again today, as I hadn't slept well the last two nights and woke up in the middle of the night.

Finally, school was over and we could enjoy the afternoon. After lunch, we went back to the pool and I took a power nap. It was wonderful and really necessary because otherwise I would have gone crazy today.

Mid-afternoon, Yuya came to join us at the pool because Jasmin wanted to teach him how to swim. The Japanese guy is in Jasmin's class, so they agreed to have a swimming lesson today. Before that, he wrote to her that he was going to buy swimming goggles so that he could swim better afterwards. It was adorable to watch him try so hard and not give up. His effort paid off, and after a short time, he could already swim a whole pool length on his own. In the meantime, I also joined as a swimming teacher and did my best to teach him how to swim, even though I'm not exactly a pro. Towards the end, he even tried freestyle, and it didn't look bad at all. So hats off to Yuya!

I told him afterwards that he could sign up for the Olympics in Tokyo, and he laughed. But I'm really happy that we could teach him how to swim and bring him so much joy.

Back in the apartment, the kitchen turned into a gnocchi factory. Luca and Sonia stood in the kitchen and prepared the gnocchi. Fortunately, we even got a little sample, and we were quite satisfied with the result. Like us yesterday, Luca had trouble finding suitable potatoes. There really is only one variety here. Therefore, according to the experienced cook, you could taste the potato starch in the gnocchi.

Meanwhile, we set off and saw a car accident just as we were leaving, with a wrecked car crashing into a newer Mercedes. And when the bus arrived, we just managed to avoid an injured homeless person sitting in a wheelchair and drinking vodka.

Tony already greeted us from the street with a big wave. He then informed us that Grandma most likely had another heart attack this morning and is now in the emergency room with Debbie. This sweet tooth really needs to stop secretly snacking on so many sweets.

That's why dinner was chaotic again because they were looking for some medication and suddenly Lehua was in the house, then Kaeo over and over again, and finally Daven and Ivy too. But now we hope for the best for Grandma.

Brain teaser from Tony:
A glass contains 1 penny. Every minute, this penny doubles. It takes one hour to fill the glass. How long does it take for the glass to be half full?

Thursday, May 27, 2021

My phone rang in the bus, an American number. I already knew who it was and sat a few seats away from Chantal so she wouldn't hear the conversation. Just after getting off the bus, it rang again. Keeping things secret when you're constantly on top of each other can be quite difficult.

Today, I have an incredible craving for pasta. It feels like ages since I've eaten pasta, so today is the day. Together with Jasmin and Chantal, I had a large plate of penne at the Cheesecake Factory, and it was excellent. I devoured it. Then we shared an Oreo cheesecake, which was definitely too sweet for my taste. So I only had three small spoonfuls.

May 27, three weeks later - the second coronavirus vaccination is due. Feeling a bit nervous about the possible side effects, of which I've heard enough from all my classmates here in Hawaii, we set off again to the Neal S. Blaisdell Center. A short wait at the registration and then straight to the chair, needle in, plaster on, and done. So now I am fully vaccinated against the coronavirus. Just a few minutes after the shot, I could already feel my arm more than I did with the first shot. That's why we marched to the bus stop with swinging arms. When we arrived there, we spontaneously decided to take a different bus. But since the bus to the other stop was delayed, our super cool express had already left, and we had to wait for quite a while. Finally, when we arrived home, I saw a beige envelope on Chantal's birthday post that was not stamped, and I quickly grabbed it so she wouldn't see it yet.

After dinner, the time had come. I took the box that was delivered this morning out of the fridge, stuck a candle in it, lit it, and walked into the living room. Everyone sang Happy Birthday, and Chantal was completely confused. She was delighted and never expected such a surprise. When she saw on the card who the whole box is full of cupcakes from, she couldn't believe it even more. The ones who stayed home from our 5=1 group had ordered these cupcakes from a local bakery and had them delivered. That's why I had to make a phone call this morning when the Cupcake Lady called me.

Now Friends The Reunion was on TV, and it was a wonderful evening for me. Home, Friends, and food.

When I hopped into bed afterwards, there was a gentle knock on my door. But I wasn't sure if someone really knocked or not. So I ignored it, and suddenly my door opened a tiny bit. It was Debbie. She came to get me to help her and Lehua decorate for Chantal's birthday tomorrow. So we blew up lots of balloons, stuck tinsel-like ribbons in front of her room door, and decorated the dining area. Now we just hoped that she wouldn't have to go to the bathroom at night so she wouldn't see the surprise too early.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Woke up longer than usual because Debbie is driving us to school to celebrate, but I was still awake before my alarm went off. When I heard the first sign of life from Chantal next door, I messaged her to come out of her room. Ready with my phone in hand, I was able to capture her reaction to the garlands and the balloon bath. Luckily, she didn't have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. But I did, and it was quite difficult to squeeze through the many balloons.

Yesterday, Chantal claimed during lunch that we'll have pancakes for breakfast today, and I asked her why. She replied instantly, "because you make them for me." Ah, so that's how it works... I agreed and secretly thought, "just you wait...". In fact, on Wednesday evening, Debbie asked me what Chantal's favorite breakfast is because she wanted to get something for us. So I chose pancakes for Chantal and something savory for myself. Then when she mentioned at the lunch table that she wanted pancakes for breakfast, I secretly thought, Bullseye!

With the excuse that I couldn't make the pancakes yet because we were out of milk and Debbie was going shopping, I was able to calm her down a bit. However, she knew that Debbie would most likely get pancakes directly. And that's exactly what happened. After all, we have known our host family for a while now and can assess their actions and behavior to some extent. In addition, Chantal also received a flower wreath that Lehua had woven for her, and so we had breakfast.

On the way to school by car, I almost fell asleep. When we arrived at school a bit late, I actually had to rest my head on the desk and take a nap. I was so tired from the vaccination and the last few nights of poor sleep that I could hardly keep my eyes open anymore. It wasn't a big deal, the others from the class just talked more during the speaking test. After about two hours, I had enough and asked to take the written test now so that I could leave afterwards. Chantal felt the same way, so we escaped from school after two hours. We really just needed peace and sleep now. So we found a cozy spot in the shade on the beach where we could take a nap. Jasmin brought us some fresh fruit and snacks for lunch, and we continued to eat and sleep.

In the late afternoon, several others from the school came because Pädy is leaving Oahu today. So he had a little farewell party. Suddenly, a guy from Atlanta came up to us, who somehow has a YouTube channel and tried to convince us to be in a video. Pädy was immediately on board, and the two of them did various challenges together. When we had enough and still/felt lazy, we made our way home.

When we arrived home, we were informed that dinner might be a bit later today because they are trying something new. Just before 8:00 PM, Debbie came to my room and explained to me what it is and why. They now want to change the diet for Grandma (and all of us) to be healthier and plant-based. So they were busy for a while, and Grandma was eagerly waiting for dinner like a little kid.

It was ready shortly before half past eight, and we could help ourselves. Tony and Debbie made a kind of fajitas in the oven, filled with zucchini, onions, and kidney beans. In addition, there was a cashew sour cream, avocado, and other toppings. We all loved it. For me, nothing special because we would have something like this at home too, but for the Lee's, it was a huge surprise. Debbie was really excited and called all sorts of family members and friends to tell them about the food. Once again, I realized how different our two cultures are.


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