
.... those who want to experience enlightenment ....

Weşandin: 06.09.2018

As Astrid already said, today was very hot and exhausting - but still beautiful!

We walked through Rates again and this time we were able to look inside the church. Then we passed by the old village washing place, continued along field paths until we reached the nice restaurant with large sun umbrellas where we treated ourselves to a salad in the courtyard and lots of water. After a long hike, we finally arrived at the church of Cavalhal, and the heat became more and more intense. We were incredibly happy when we finally reached the Barcelos Rooster in front of the bridge, I had booked a room right across from it.

Well, if you're looking for enlightenment, you have to carry your own stuff, as Astrid said today.

We carried our stuff sweating, but we still need to tinker a bit with the enlightenment 😉

Bersiv (2)

Eure Geschichten und Bilder sind wunderbar. Ich wünsche euch weiterhin tolle Erlebnisse und Durchhaltevermögen. IHR schafft das 😃👍

Yes! Aber sowas von.....😊