
Tag 21 Koh Kong

Weşandin: 12.03.2023

This morning the day started similar to yesterday, only this time we set the alarm an hour later. After breakfast we went by scooter to the Tam Pon waterfall. However, due to the dry season, it was not as expected. But we still treated ourselves to a cold drink there.

There could be a real waterfall here

Then we continue to the second waterfall. The way there was again a challenge and I had to walk part of the way again

Helmet stays on if I fall

The waterfall was really a lot cooler. Also different than expected as it is really huge in the rainy season and all the rocks that are in the pictures are flooded but it had the benefit of being able to climb around

help, slippery

Then we cooled down

Definitely was funny
And then we lay around on the stones and sunbathed.

On the way back we were really hungry, so we got a snack somewhere.

Hot dog. Wasn't even that bad

Then we went to the hotel and rested a bit. Then we went looking for a restaurant because we didn't want to go to the fish market again. Bad decision. Since there are hardly any tourists here, the place is of course not designed that way. We then found a somewhat rancid restaurant, but that doesn't have to mean anything bad, since we didn't go to any fancy shops. However, it really wasn't that great... The food was just oily and somehow we couldn't finish it. It didn't really taste bad, but we were just disgusted, especially because somehow everything from the chicken was in the food (bones, gristle, innards,...). It was just a bit dingy there overall. Since I was so focused on the food I forgot to take a picture, so just the end result. But it didn't look much better before.

Caught a not-so-great dinner once

A bit grumpy we went back to our accommodation and took a shower and packed. Hopefully there will be good food again tomorrow 😊


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