
Day 43: Allianz Karlsruhe

Weşandin: 24.08.2023

preliminary remark:
I'm always asked if I get to see comments. Unfortunately no - it has something to do with being logged into Google/Instagram/Facebook. Unfortunately I don't know any more details. But 2 users made it. Please send helpful information to Thanks.
And on the occasion once again the request for donations.

Please indicate reference: AZD Radtour.

Information on making a donation via PayPal can be found on the Allianz für Kinder foundation 's website. The PayPal app takes you directly to the donation form via the QR code (confirm a few times if necessary)

Alternatively, the traditional way:
Donation account Foundation Allianz for Children

IBAN: DE94 7002 0270 0015 7024 58

Donations can be tax deductible. The PayPal receipt should suffice. This information is given without guarantee!

100% of every EURO goes to the Tour of Hope and is doubled by the Children's Foundation.

Thank you for your donation!

After yesterday's frustration, I'm taking it easy today, so that I'm almost stressed out, as agreed to be at Allianz in Karlsruhe around 10 a.m. Almost on time I turn into the inner courtyard of the Allianz building. With that I visited all Allianz locations in Germany!
The Chair of the Works Council greets me warmly as usual. Another works council member and former election officer, who fought her way through the elections, is already waiting in her office. There is cake on the table. They would have baked it as an additional donation incentive for the stand, and there would also be one from the site management team. I'm speechless again. That's not all: ver.di - also my trade union, which I have been a member of for over 30 years - donates an ice cream for all donors. Now I don't know what to say, that's awesome.
We go to the prepared stand. Everything is wonderfully prepared, including balloons, which cannot be overlooked at the entrance and exit of the staff restaurant. The ice chest is already there. To make room for the cake, a second table is quickly organized. Here, too, the site manager is behind my campaign and sponsors the Allianz Burger, which is available for lunch. Thank you very much! Unfortunately, he is unable to work, but wishes my campaign every success. As in other places, the burger costs nothing and the colleagues decide what they want to donate for it. Of course there is also the possibility to donate in cash or via PayPal. In this way, €97 was donated in cash and €786.15 was donated over food. As always, I can't name the PayPal amount because it doesn't refer to a location. But we've seen some donate through PayPal.
Many thanks to all Karlsruhe donors!

Thank you for the great support from the works council, site management and kitchen. I would never have dreamed that "my" alliance members would support my campaign so well!
Of course I don't miss the burger and I enjoy it, as well as the union ice cream. Even if it might not be appropriate for a travel blog, I would like to take this opportunity to take a stand for the trade union movement and my trade union ver.di. What the unions have achieved in the past is enormous, and we all benefit from it. But what has been achieved must be preserved, and the next generation still needs the best working conditions and good wages. Whoever fights can lose; but if you don't fight, you've already lost!
Then I have to say goodbye; another farewell that costs me tears in my eyes.
At the hotel I eat the cake they gave me. I'll probably be back home next Thursday around this time - hopefully planning the trip to Stuttgart will give me some other ideas...
