Bulli Svensson reist nach Slowenien  🇸🇮 
Bulli Svensson reist nach Slowenien  🇸🇮 

17th Day - Beautiful Soča

Dɛn dɔn pablish am: 20.07.2018

Even this morning, the sun greets me with a cloudless sky. I hear the meditative splashing of the Soča and am excited for the day - am I going on another trip today?

Back in the van, there is the smell of fresh coffee in bed and some time later, there is fresh buckwheat bread with walnuts and Slovenian cheese. Supplies are packed into the backpack - it seems like hiking without me. But Mini-Svensson gets to come along and will be immortalized in a photo or two. Originally, a trip to Bled was planned for today, but it seems there is still exploring to do down the left side of the Soča, and priorities are clearly being set.

While I make myself comfortable, we head down the gorge at around 10:30 am. The trail is supposed to be much more strenuous and hilly - towards Trenta. Narrow and rocky. Anyone who thinks the trail is just as relaxing to walk as the Soča is babbling along is mistaken. Always on the lookout for roots and wobbly stones, but wanting to get a glimpse of the Soča as much as possible.

Wide and pleasant at times, then narrow and roaring, the Soča flows alongside the hiking trail. We walk against the flow. Many hikers and families are here today, taking breaks to swim or simply lie in the sun.

After a good 6 km, there is an inviting campsite to the left of the Soča, where we enjoy a cold Radler. The water can be refilled at the source of a river, and then we start the return journey.

Shortly after, we take a swimming break, eat walnut bread, enjoy wheat beer, and put Mini-Svensson in the limelight. Wow, life can be beautiful.

The return journey is expected to feel slightly shorter, probably because we're not taking photos every 2 minutes. But the over 30 degrees today force us to take breaks and drink lots of water. Soon, we have to say goodbye to the turquoise Soča and the hiking trail. What a shame!

After 12 km, we're back at the camp - I'm already waiting to soon smell the fresh vegetables and pesto. Departure atmosphere - we're leaving tomorrow.

I look around, the Belgian family next to me is making a campfire and it smells great. The French in front are planning a hike and the Czech couple opposite is sitting in front of their tent. I have an unobstructed view because the Italians left this morning. What a shame, I enjoyed watching the woman do yoga in the morning.

With thoughts of a wonderful vacation (so far without any mishaps), I fall asleep.


#slowenien #slowenia#soča#soca#trenta#wandern#sommer#roadtrip#urlaub#valley