7. Monthly Recap

Dɛn dɔn pablish am: 31.03.2024

For 7 months, I haven't been to Germany, haven't seen my family, or friends there. It's a really crazy thought. I've been here for about 230 days and will stay for 130 more.

Sometimes I'm really looking forward to the moment of coming home. And sometimes I'm afraid that home won't be home anymore.. Living a completely different life for a year is exciting :D

This month, I did a lot with the new Erasmus people, and it was really nice and bonding :) Generally, my University to Something Else ratio was about 20 to 80 this month haha. Anyway, most exams are next month, so it will be fine.

However, I completed my scuba diving course and am very proud of it!!

Currently, I'm actually doing quite well, except that I was really stressed about my car and didn't dare to drive anymore, out of fear that something might break :D But I'm manifesting that nothing will happen with the car in April. Period, end of story!

I'm also pretty happy with my French, but I feel like I'm stagnating a bit. For about 2-3 months, I haven't seen much progress, which is a bit frustrating. But I think it's also because at a certain level, it's hard to achieve huge successes.

What's a little scary is that I feel like I'm losing my English skills a bit. However, that will surely change quickly once I'm back in Germany.

In April, I have many exams and will probably be quite busy. In May, I will either do my big hike across the island or attend a diving camp and spend two weeks in Madagascar (yay!!). In June, I want to do all the hikes that I still need to do, and in July, Mom is already coming - AAH :D

A slightly chaotic monthly recap, but I've been working on my bachelor thesis all day today and my brain is mush :(


Frans we dɛn kɔl Frans
Travul ripɔt Frans we dɛn kɔl Frans