
Tag 27 - calm

Pubblicato: 28.05.2019


We sit outside, having breakfast, and watching the sky - It's supposed to rain. So we wait until 1:00/2:00 PM, only to find out that neither online weather maps nor the sky can be trusted; the rain passes us by. The only things we want to accomplish today are printing our online visas for Cambodia and looking for postcards. Everything else is flexible. So we hop on our scooter and quickly take care of point 1, printing visas. We keep riding, heading towards the water and in the opposite direction of where we've been so far. We end up at the port of Ao Nang and a small peninsula that borders the mouth of the river. The harbor is filled with yachts, fishing and tourist boats, and offers a breathtaking view in front of the picturesque limestone cliffs.

We decide to simply walk along the headland and find dozens of shells in addition to a nice place to stay - The problem here is that all the specimens are so big, intact and beautiful that at some point we reach sensory overload. If we had found shells like these on our trips to the Mediterranean, we probably would have jumped in the air. But here, we just pass them by.

The stay is very unspectacular. Jonna occasionally goes into the water - I forgot my swim trunks and am too lazy to dry my boxer shorts - I write a bit, take photos, and relax in the sun.

After about two to three hours, we get up again, walk to our scooter, and drive back into town. There we find the desired postcards and, when we return to our part of Ao Nang, a small night market. Once again, we go a bit overboard with our shopping and this time we don't go to the beach with our bags, but back to our bungalow. Very cozy and well protected - long pants, shirt, and headscarf against the mosquitoes - we have dinner on our veranda.

- Alex


Rapporti di viaggio Tailandia