
Låtefossen, Furebergsfossen and Langfossen: Three gigantic waterfalls in one day!

Pubblicato: 23.07.2020

Yesterday we continued along the southern west coast heading north, from Tau to Røldal (see picture). For the first time, we had to take a ferry to continue along Route 13 (the west coast is so rugged that you often have to take a ferry to get further). We also noticed for the first time how narrow the road can be in some places. Fortunately, yesterday there wasn't too much traffic, phew 😃

Once again, the route took us past incredibly beautiful and diverse landscapes, of which we have picked out a few impressions for you. Mostly photographed from the motorhome, as there are only a few places to stop. Apparently, the Norwegians themselves consider nature to be so naturally beautiful that you don't need to make a (photo) stop 😉

Today we went on a long excursion (see picture of the route), passing by sensational waterfalls. In general, there are extremely many waterfalls here, but today we were able to admire three particularly impressive ones. We would also like to share a few impressions of our excursion with you (unfortunately, it is not possible to insert videos of the waterfalls).

Tomorrow we will continue (I'm already dreading it because we have already driven a section of it with the Smart today and the roads are already very narrow and it was already very crowded today, urg) 🤔

Enjoy looking at the pictures, if you like.

Best regards
Thomas, Janina and Triene

P.S. 1: Since yesterday we have had continuous sunny weather (around 15°C), yea 😃. Oh yes, for the Norwegians it seems to be high summer, because in contrast to us, we have seen a lot of lightly dressed people today 😉

P.S.2: For all those who have read our previous report: It is still not possible to find out exactly what happened at Preikestolen via the internet. However, the pulpit rock was closed for an additional, complete (yesterday's) day because recovering the body was so laborious.

Risposta (2)

Die Bilder sind sehr inspirierend und machen Lust darauf, irgendwann im Leben einmal wieder nach Norwegen zu fahren.

Wir wollten immer schon nach Norwegen, aber das nicht ganz so sonnig-warme Klima hatte uns bisher davon abgehalten. Die Natur ist jedoch sensationell, so dass wir es auf jeden Fall empfehlen können!!! Allerdings haben wir so einige Deutsche getroffen, die dachten, mit Zelten, wild in der Natur oder auf dem Campingplatz und wenig finanziellem Aufand, hierher reisen zu können und die haben, nach eigener Aussage, das eben oftmals auch nass-kalte Wetter unterschätzt (da man bspw. die Klamotten nicht trocken bekommt). Und selbst an sonnigen Tagen ist es, sobald die Sonne weg ist, vor allem nachts, wirklich kalt! Wir jedenfalls freuen uns darauf, Norwegen weiter zu erkunden und auch noch den Norden kennenzulernen!

Rapporti di viaggio Norvegia