
To the penguins ... 🐧

Pubblicato: 06.02.2018

On Sunday we continued to Chiloé, a large island south of Puerto Montt. The city is ugly, we just drove through. We had imagined the crossing to be quite nice, with the ferry across the sea. See for yourself, you can see - nothing - total fog.

But on Chiloé the sun was shining again. Unfortunately, it is supposed to rain in the next few days, so we packed everything we needed good weather for on the first day. The visit to the lighthouse, the old Spanish fortress and the penguin colony.

That was a special experience! The boats for the tour are about 10 meters out in the water and the tourists are carted to the boat with a kind of large luggage cart. Actually quite funny, if a big wave hadn't splashed into my shoe right away... well, off we went to see the animals. You can see Humboldt and Magellanic penguins on the rocks and also some in the sea. Various species of cormorants nest on the rocks, which are not easy to photograph. And as a special highlight, two sea lions honored us. Or whatever, we didn't understand anything from the Spanish chatter with the explanations 😂 the first one hides on the rocks, but then waves friendly, the second one is very easy to recognize.

When we had survived the rocking adventure, we had to strengthen ourselves with a "Completo". A kind of hot dog with salsa, sauerkraut, avocado (all fresh!) the indispensable mayonnaise and spicy sauce. Of course at the Merzhausen booth 🇹🇩

Risposta (1)

Merzhausia ist überall :-) Und diese Gepäckwagen für Touris sind ja der Knaller. In diesen Gummihosen hättet Ihr aber bestimmt auch cool ausgesehen.